Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

End child-like views about elected leaders


Historical­ly, with a few exceptions, Americans have learned to trust the president, the news media, the police and military. A lot of times the “lies” were just opinions. And we knew it. Right and left didn’t see things the same way.

But the recent liars took it to a new level. It wasn’t just mistakes or faulty opinions. They lied when they knew they were lying. And the trusting, child-like people believed it. But many right wingers had been “sure” in 2016 that Trump had cheated in many areas of his personal and business life still voted like a proud boy. Or proud girl.

Most of us suspected cheating but we didn’t have Hillary and CNN and Democrat leaders making up lies to deliberate­ly fan the flames. The news media did report about Russian meddling but they didn’t make up lies to link Trump and Russia. It was always left to the FBI or CIA to close that loop and they never did.

It’s time for Americans to snap out of their child-like relationsh­ip with their elected officials. They are hired help.

They are not saviors, saints or prophets. Just like the local animal shelter can hire an incompeten­t, abusive dog catcher, Americans can with their votes hire a dud or even a mafiosi thug. Anyone who has the power of a vote needs to grow up and stop being in a child-like relationsh­ip to a parent.

The president is not our daddy or mommy. He or she is hired help. And we need to do a background check, including ability to do the job, plus morals and personalit­y disorders, before we cast our vote to hire.

And when it is obvious we have hired the wrong candidate, as it was in our previous president, we must act like responsibl­e adults and fire the hired help.


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