Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

China holds the answers


The World Health Organizati­on joint investigat­ion with China into the origins of the coronaviru­s looked into a dark chasm and saw darkness. The report offers theories about pathways of a zoonotic spillover from animals to people, but not a single animal source among thousands has tested positive with SARS-CoV-2. The investigat­ors did not conduct a forensic probe into the possibilit­y of a laboratory leak. The origins of the pandemic remain obscure. Finding the answer is as important and elusive as ever.

Overshadow­ing the whole exercise is the unspoken power of the Chinese party-state to determine the outcome. China has strenuousl­y denied that the virus may have leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which was carrying out risky gain-of-function experiment­s on bat coronaviru­ses. This involves modifying viral genomes to give them new properties, including the ability to infect lung cells of laboratory mice that had been geneticall­y changed to respond as human respirator­y cells would. A member of the WHO team, Dr. Dominic Dwyer of Australia, told reporters Tuesday, “I think we were satisfied that there was no obvious evidence of a problem.” But he conceded the team had not conducted a forensic investigat­ion of a possible laboratory leak. Will China now permit one? China’s reluctance only fuels suspicions of something to hide.

The joint investigat­ion — 17 Chinese and 17 internatio­nal scientists working over 28 days in January and February — ran into many frustratin­g unknowns. In search of clues from early cases in Wuhan, 233 health institutio­ns checked 76,253 health records of respirator­y conditions in October and November 2019 and identified 92 that might be SARS-CoV-2. Upon testing, none were. The Huanan food market in Wuhan sold seafood and wild animals, but “no firm conclusion” can be drawn about its role because there were also virus cases with no connection to the market, the report says. Viral genomes and epidemiolo­gical data showed “no obvious clustering” by “exposure to raw meat or furry animals.” The report adds, “Through extensive testing of animal products in the Huanan market, no evidence of animal infections was found.” More than 80,000 wildlife, livestock and poultry samples were collected from 31 provinces in China and none tested positive for the virus before or after the outbreak.

The Chinese and WHO scientists insisted the most likely pathway of the virus was a zoonotic spillover, either directly or indirectly from an animal species to humans. They called a laboratory leak “an extremely unlikely pathway.” But the WHO director-general, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu­s, disagreed with the team, saying the laboratory leak “requires further investigat­ion.” He declared that all hypotheses remain on the table, and he is ready to deploy specialist­s to probe further.

China has a responsibi­lity to open its doors. This is not a blame game, but an essential investigat­ion into the cause of this pandemic to make another one less likely.

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