Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

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▪ Helen Mirren has been finding the bright side of the pandemic. Working from home? “Much more convenient,” she said. She bought a ring light for Zoom, balancing her laptop on two dictionari­es. “I love it. … I hope elements of our quarantine lockdown are going to stick with us.” She’s savoring slow dinners with her husband, director Taylor Hackford. They’ve been living together in the mountains near California’s Lake Tahoe for much of the past year. “It’s given me the opportunit­y to be with my husband in a sort of normal everyday way, which has been fantastic. It is actually the first time in all of our 30 years together that we’ve sat down at the table each night and had dinner together. Normally we’re getting on planes, going here, there. … So it’s been fabulous just to be a normal person.” The 75-year-old British star is backing the documentar­y “My Beautiful Stutter,” which looks at the work of New York City-based nonprofit group SAY: The Stuttering Associatio­n for the Young. The Discovery+ film follows five children who have been bullied because of how they speak, and looks at how the charity helps them with their confidence. Mirren has also restarted acting under covid-19 protocols, but said social distancing and face coverings make film production­s “just not so much fun” as they used to be.

▪ O.J. Simpson and a Las Vegas hotel-casino have settled a lawsuit alleging that unnamed employees defamed Simpson by telling celebrity news site TMZ that he had been banned from the property in November 2017 for being drunk and disruptive. Simpson’s attorney, Malcolm LaVergne, declined Thursday to comment about the agreement reached with Nevada Property 1 LLC, corporate owner of The Cosmopolit­an of Las Vegas, except to say, “The matter has been resolved.” Simpson, now 73, is on parole in Nevada and living in a gated golf course community after his release from prison in July 2017. He had served nine years for armed robbery, kidnapping and assault with a weapon. His complaint against The Cosmopolit­an acknowledg­ed that Simpson was given notice, after spending several hours with two friends at a steakhouse and a lounge, that he was prohibited from returning to the property. Simpson denied in his lawsuit that he was “belligeren­t,” broke glass or damaged property.

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