Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Treasure hunt


DEAR HELAINE AND JOE: My grandfathe­r hand cut this and turned down an offer of $20 for it around 1910. All the edges are sharp and there are no chips. What do you think it would be worth?

Thank you,

— D.B.

DEAR D.B.: We love family history, but we were a little surprised to learn that D.B.’s grandfathe­r may have actually cut this American Brilliant Period cut glass bowl. We are not saying that he didn’t — just that he would have had to have been a highly skilled artist working in a glass factory that was probably located in Corning, N.Y.

This is a master berry bowl, and at one time, it had eight to 12 smaller matching bowls to complete the set. Berries such as strawberri­es were served in the larger vessel and then portioned out to the smaller dishes to serve individual diners.

Around the turn of the 20th century (say 1885 to 1905), American Brilliant Period cut glass was a goto gift for brides, hostesses, wives

and the like. Examples were laboriousl­y cut by hand using grinding wheels and polishing compounds to create a piece of glass that refracted light the way a fine piece of jewelry might.

This is a lovely pattern with an upper portion in a “chair bottom,” “daisy-and-button” or “Harvard” pattern (a lot of names for virtually the same design) with hobstars (a star composed of numerous lines that intersect in the center to form something that looks like a hobnail) scattered around the center.

We are reminded of the design work of Thomas Gibbons Hawkes (1846—1913), who was one of the titans of the cut glass industry. In particular we are reminded of his pattern 16, or “Coronet” (which this particular piece is not). Hawkes’ company was in business from 1880 until 1959. From 1885 to 1938 it is said that Hawkes cut glass was used in the White House.

Cut glass is extremely fragile, and it is unusual to find a piece that is not chipped in at least some small way. D.B. needs to examine this berry bowl very carefully to make sure there are no hidden defects because they are very easy to overlook among all the faceting and play of light.

D.B. should also look for a signature, which might be found in the center of her bowl. It will be very gray and hard to see, but if one huffs a breath on the surface it might show up. Also, turning the bowl in the light might create an angle in which a signature can be seen.

If a “Hawkes” (look for a bird and a trefoil motif) signature is found, the value of the piece would be enhanced. Prices for American Brilliant Period cut glass are a bit soft, and we would like to know a few things before offering a firm value. Still, this is an intricate design with suggestion­s it was done by Thomas G. Hawkes, and it probably should retail in the $350-$450 range if in perfect condition. Helaine Fendelman and Joe Rosson have written books on antiques. Do you have an item you’d like to know more about? Contact them at Joe Rosson, 2504 Seymour Ave., Knoxville, TN 37917, or email them at treasures If you’d like your question to be considered for their column, please include a focused, high-resolution photo of the subject with your inquiry.

 ?? (Handout/TNS) ?? This cut glass bowl looks like work by Hawkes Co.
(Handout/TNS) This cut glass bowl looks like work by Hawkes Co.

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