Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

DEAR READERS: Are you interested in your dog’s DNA? Want to know which breeds your dog descended from? The particular traits of that breed? What to expect health- and behavior-wise from your dog? A dog DNA test may work for you.

Kits range in price from about $50 to more than $200. A simple mouth swab is usually all that’s required, then you mail off the swab and wait to hear back.

DEAR HELOISE: It’s tree-planting season. I’ve discovered a great hint. I dig my hole for the tree in the shape of a square.

Why? The roots will not wrap around each other like they would if planted in a round hole; the roots will spread out deeper and wider. The tree will also grow more quickly.

Experts also recommend refilling the hole with its original dirt instead of expensive fertilizer. The tree will do better in its native soil.

Also, I trim away any matted or stuck-together roots. This will encourage growth. — Donald G. in Alabama

DEAR HELOISE: I’m hearing the term “midcentury modern” a lot these days. What does it mean?

— Angie R. in Oklahoma

DEAR READER: “Century,” of course, refers to the century that has passed, the 20th century, and “mid-century” is anywhere typically between 1935 and about 1965. The phrase refers to architectu­re, interior design, photograph­y, even clothes and jewelry.

You must be doing some remodeling or decorating. Midcentury modern designs feature clean, uncluttere­d lines, sparse and spare furnishing­s without a lot of detail work on them — just pieces that invoke a feeling of simplicity and freshness. Nothing fancy or frou-frou, for sure. Enjoy your decorating; email me a picture.

DEAR READERS: Pouring boiling water down your kitchen sink may not be a good idea. If your kitchen plumbing is made of PVC piping (PVC is plastic), the hot water can potentiall­y damage the pipes.

How to clean the drain? Sprinkle a generous amount (about 1 cup) of baking soda in the sink, dampen and buff gently. Then rinse with warm, not hot, water.

Baking soda is a workhorse in the home. Nontoxic, safe, cheap and readily available, I keep several boxes on-hand. Add a generous glug of warm vinegar to increase the cleaning power.

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