Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Volcano’s ash grays out island’s lush greens


KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent — Extremely heavy ash fall rained down across the eastern Caribbean island of St. Vincent on Saturday and a strong sulfur smell enveloped communitie­s, a day after a powerful explosion at La Soufriere volcano uprooted the lives of thousands of people who evacuated their homes under government orders.

Lush green Caribbean villages were transforme­d into a sort of gloomy, gray version of Alpine villages under a blanket of fine soot, which also hung in the air, obscuring the sun.

Nearby nations including Antigua and Guyana have offered help by either shipping emergency supplies or temporaril­y opening their borders to the roughly 16,000 evacuees fleeing ash-covered communitie­s with as many personal belongings as they could stuff into suitcases and backpacks.

The volcano, which last had a sizable eruption in 1979, kept rumbling and experts warned that explosions could continue for days or weeks. An eruption in 1902 killed some 1,600 people.

“The first bang is not necessaril­y the biggest bang this volcano will give,” Richard Robertson, a geologist with the University of the West Indies’ Seismic Research Center, said at a news conference.

Conditions for many worsened overnight as heavy ash covered homes, cars and streets, and even the runway of the airport at the opposite end of the roughly 20-mile-long island. People left footprints in the ash as they trudged away from their homes.

Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves told NBC Radio, a local station, that officials were trying to figure out how to remove the ash.

“It’s difficult to breathe,” Gonsalves said, adding that while the volcano’s venting has diminished, a big plume of ash and smoke remained. “What goes up, must come down.”

He asked people to remain calm, have patience and keep protecting themselves from the coronaviru­s as he celebrated that no deaths or injuries were reported after the eruption in the northern tip of St. Vincent, part of an island chain that includes the Grenadines and is home to more than 100,000 people.

“Agricultur­e will be badly affected, and we may have some loss of animals, and we will have to do repairs to houses, but if we have life, and we have strength, we will build it back better, stronger, together,” he said.

Gonsalves has said that depending on the damage caused by the explosion, it could take up to four months for life to return to normal. Some 3,200 people were staying in 78 government shelters while four empty cruise ships floated nearby, waiting to take other evacuees to other islands. Those staying in shelters were tested for the coronaviru­s, and anyone testing positive would be taken to an isolation center.

The first explosion occurred Friday morning, a day after the government ordered evacuation­s based on warnings from scientists who noted a type of seismic activity before dawn Thursday that meant magma was on the move close to the surface.

An ash column burst more than 33,000 feet into the sky, with lightning crackling through the still-towering cloud late Friday.

The ash forced the cancellati­on of several flights and poor visibility limited evacuation­s in some areas. Officials warned that Barbados, St. Lucia and Grenada could see some ashes as the 4,003-foot volcano continued to rumble. The majority of ash was expected to head northeast into the Atlantic Ocean.

La Soufriere previously had an effusive eruption in December, prompting experts from around the region to fly in and analyze the formation of a new volcanic dome and changes to its crater lake, among other things.

The eastern Caribbean has 19 live volcanoes, including two underwater near the island of Grenada. One of those, Kick ‘Em Jenny, has been active in recent years.

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