Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Stew enough to share

Honoring our flag

- Mike Masterson Mike Masterson is a longtime Arkansas journalist, was editor of three Arkansas dailies and headed the master’s journalism program at Ohio State University. Email him at mmasterson@arkansason­

Thought I’d head a different direction today by sharing a stew of items on several subjects I’ve discovered from various sources that apply in various ways to your life and mine. Hope find them as relevant as I do.

What life is:

You arrived here naked. You will go out naked.

You arrived weak. You will go out weak.

You arrived without money or things. You will leave without money or things.

Your first bath was when someone washed your body. Your final bath, someone will wash your body. This is life.

So why all the malice, envy, hate, resentment and selfishnes­s?

Choose to be kind to everyone else, listen, and do good deeds.

Our time on Earth is uncertain and fleeting. Choose not to waste yours in utter irrelevanc­e and uselessnes­s.

By the way, should you feel useless, just remember it took 20 years, trillions of dollars, thousands of American lives and four U.S. presidents for our nation to replace the primitive Taliban with a Taliban now equipped with a billion dollars of our modern armaments to use against us.

No guns allowed

Anyone else noted how most school shootings occur in gun-free zones? What message does this send through society? Gun laws don’t deter those intent on using one to commit heinous crimes even in school zones.

Last time I checked since leaving the Chicago Sun Times years back, that city still boasts of having ineffectiv­e and strict anti-gun laws, too.

Don’t expect me to degrade or apologize for our flag. I will always honor the banner that does not, and never has nor will stand for any Americans’ race, skin color, economic circumstan­ces or religion.

It has stood only for freedom in a profoundly troubled and authoritar­ian world.

‘Acceptable’ thoughts

Noticed how one can no longer think differentl­y than a group dedicated to a single tyrannical ideology? And if you do so, you certainly can’t express it because those who can risk losing their reputation. (From the comic strip Pearls Before Swine. I’ll have a few further thoughts on this cultural phenomenon in tomorrow’s column.)

Bits and pieces

Bits of truth to digest: At one time men died for truth while today the truth dies often at the hands of dishonorab­le men.

The reason people finally begin awakening to truth is because they finally stopped mindlessly agreeing to things in this world that insult their very soul.

The welfare of the people of Planet Earth has always provided an alibi for tyrants. Their insincere, deceptive and calculatin­g words can sound so comforting.

In a world awash in propaganda and deception, it is increasing­ly difficult to discern truth.

The fatal flaw for any hypocrite (we sure have more than our share nowadays, don’t we?) is that he or she winds up bearing false witness against himself simply to promote an agenda, often for all to see.

The relentless political push for electric vehicles to dominate transporta­tion in the U.S. is one example. Those who vote to impose this radical change on Americans from carbon-based fuels often fly in jets and drive gas-guzzling SUV’s.

Farmers don’t have electric tractors; truckers don’t have electric semis. There are no electric planes and ships. The list continues. Mark my words, in light of the obvious hypocrisie­s, take the fuel away, and America dies.

Who’s at fault?

The perpetuall­y angry and narcissist­ic actor Alec Baldwin blamed the revolver in his hand rather than his own actions that killed one crew member and wounded another on the New Mexico movie set of “Rust.” He claims he never pulled the trigger that sent a fatal live round into the chest of a female cinematogr­apher and wounded the film’s director.

He also says he never checked the gun before it discharged.

Meanwhile, some cable networks with flagging viewership refused to fault convicted felon Darrell Brooks for intentiona­lly driving his red SUV into an ongoing Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wis.; that action killed five and injured more than 40 others.

To hear the alleged “newspeople” from these channels explain to an audience of thinking adults, Brooks’ deadly mayhem was caused by his speeding vehicle that (by my understand­ing) was not being driven or steered hands-free.

Like Baldwin with the loaded revolver in his hand, Brooks’ hands were on the wheel and his foot on the accelerato­r.

Any thinking adult not consumed with radical leftist ideology easily sees the facts and truth behind these senseless killings. Every gun and vehicle I’ve ever seen has remained inanimate until it was managed by human hands.

Under such perverse reasoning, should I now assume the 2,000-plus Americans who died at Pearl Harbor died solely because of bombs and torpedoes that apparently launched themselves?

The demise of honesty, integrity and common sense sadly is becoming pervasive across America. Even more tragically, the nonsense has all been occurring on our generation’s watch.

How to kill a nation

The following revised posting on social media also rings true to me. How about you?

The following words reportedly are posted outside a university in South Africa. While I can’t vouch for that, it should be displayed in every public building from Washington, D.C., to the Mexican border.

Destroying any nation doesn’t require the use of atomic bombs or longrange missiles. It requires lowering the quality of education and allowing cheating in exams.

Thereby patients will die at the hands of poorly educated doctors. Buildings will collapse at the hands of poorly educated engineers. Money will be lost at the hands of poorly educated economists and accountant­s. And humanity succumbs at the hands of poorly educated religious and social science scholars.

To those I’d add “any nation can be destroyed by distortion­s, propaganda and falsehoods related as supposed truths by a national media intent on pushing a radical political agenda over reality and honesty.”

Unless decisions made by supposedly free citizens in a democratic republic of laws are rooted in facts, the fabric of a nation is soon reduced to tatters and shreds.

Food for thought

Is it a “cure” when people still are dying?

Is it truly research when opposing views are deleted?

Is it sufficient data when adverse reactions and deaths are censored and not included in publicizin­g supposedly factual statistics?

Are findings considered science if one isn’t allowed to publicly question them?

Just asking for a friend.

About a dozen left

I wanted to thank all who have ordered my free CD, “Rhythms of Life from a Southern Journalist.” There have been more than 50 who’ve sent $5 to cover shipping and handling for these 14 timeless columns recorded in a Fayettevil­le studio.

In checking the box yesterday, I saw there are a dozen remaining if you’d like one sent to you. Send your request and $5 to 1002 West Bunn Ave., Harrison, AR 72601.

Now go out into the world and treat everyone you meet exactly like you want them to treat you.

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