Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



DEAR HELOISE: I’m writing in response to some of your readers who have expressed disbelief in being asked to bring cash to a wedding. I have to say that it’s not rude at all! First of all, money is a perfectly normal gift in many cultures, and they will even pass around a communal basket at the event for guests to stuff cash into. Secondly, in this day and age, most couples have lived together for quite awhile or are older and further along in their lives. They likely already have a blender, cutlery and bath towels.

But they might be waiting until marriage to buy a house, have children and, yes, go on a honeymoon — all of which are very costly. Cash is the most helpful gift we can give this generation on starting a new chapter.

— Kate in California

DEAR HELOISE: As a hospital chef, I learned to cook a turkey breast side down, not breast side up. Why? While the turkey roasts, the juices fall down toward the breast, resulting in the most succulent meat. The breast is also more protected from the heat, which helps keep it from getting too dried out. I’ve cooked thousands of turkeys that way, and they all came out great.

My trainer had me cook two turkeys, one breast up and one breast down, both the same size and prepped the same way, for exactly the same time. Blind tasting always picked the down breast as tasting better than the up breast. Try it! Kind regards.

— Ken, via email

DEAR HELOISE: Living in ever-dry California, I am saving a lot of tap water in the following ways:

1. Keep a container in your sink for soaking tableware and dishwasher items, which can be minimally cleaned prior to going in the dishwasher. Never use tap water for the quick cleaning.

2. Use the dishwasher’s “Express Wash” setting to save water while dishes are sterilized by the hot water.

3. Our shower wastes 1.5 gallons of water before the hot water comes on. We collect this water in a garden watering container and use it on our plants.

— Susan C., Torrance, Calif.

DEAR HELOISE: We enjoyed your article on pet strollers. We take our Tinker camping, and she can go almost anywhere we do while contained in her stroller. It is also useful at home when we have guests. It gets her off the floor so she doesn’t get stepped on.

— Brenda C., via email Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

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