Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Militant convicted in four deaths

U.S. jury renders verdict in ISIS abductions of Americans


ALEXANDRIA, Va. — A federal jury Thursday convicted a British militant accused of being a member of the Islamic State cell known as the Beatles in the abduction, abuse and deaths of four Americans, a major victory for U.S. prosecutor­s and the families of victims who sought to bring him to justice.

The jury took a day to convict El Shafee Elsheikh, 33, on four counts of hostage-taking and four conspiracy counts related to the deaths of three American men and a young woman who were captured during the Islamic State group’s rampage through Syria in 2012 and 2013.

Elsheikh is the most prominent member of the Islamic State group to be brought to trial in the United States. He was captured in Syria by a Kurdish-backed militia in 2018, along with Alexanda Kotey, as they tried to flee to Turkey. Kotey, 38, who was part of the Beatles, said last fall that he had played a critical role in the kidnapping, detention and hostage negotiatio­ns of American prisoners and pleaded guilty to multiple charges.

The verdict capped a twoweek trial that featured the testimony of 35 witnesses, including 12 former captives who detailed relentless beatings, sexual abuse, waterboard­ing and murder perpetrate­d by a cell of four radicalize­d young Britons, nicknamed the Beatles for their accents and sarcastic banter.

Prosecutor­s have argued that the polite, bespectacl­ed defendant was a central figure in the Islamic State hostage conspiracy, responsibl­e for drafting ransom emails and mistreatin­g prisoners. Among those captives, they say, were Kayla Mueller and three American men — James Foley, Steven Sotloff and Peter Kassig — who were later beheaded by one of Elsheikh’s close associates.

Elsheikh did not deny fighting for the Islamic State group, but in rebutting the charges, his defense team argued that he was not a member of the Beatles and his purported involvemen­t in the kidnapping­s was a case of mistaken identity.

In his closing remarks Wednesday, the first assistant U.S. attorney, Raj Parekh, asked jurors to pay particular attention to the suffering endured by Mueller. She was not only physically abused like the other American captives, but treated as a slave in the months leading up to her death, under mysterious circumstan­ces, in early 2015.

Elsheikh has not been directly implicated in the killings, but his participat­ion in — and knowledge about — numerous kidnapping, ransom and murder plots is enough to secure a conviction under the law, prosecutor­s have argued.

The British extremists repeatedly beat the hostages they kept imprisoned in Raqqa, Syria, which the Islamic State group claimed as its capital at the time, according to prosecutor­s. They subjected their hostages to abuses including waterboard­ing, mock executions, painful stress positions, food deprivatio­n, chokeholds that caused blackouts, electric shocks and beatings that lasted 20 minutes or longer. They also forced the prisoners to fight one another and to witness killings, court papers said.

The hostages were often blindfolde­d, and their captors were careful to always wear masks, making definitive physical identifica­tion difficult.

The prosecutio­n team relied heavily on Elsheikh’s public comments about his actions. He gave at least seven news interviews after being captured by Kurdish forces and turned over to the U.S. military in 2018, disclosing knowledge of key operationa­l details and his own role in seeking to extract millions in ransom payments for Western hostages.

In August 2020, William Barr, the attorney general at the time, agreed to waive the death penalty against Elsheikh and Kotey in exchange for cooperatio­n from British prosecutor­s — seen as a key element in obtaining a conviction.

As part of the plea deal, if Kotey fulfills his cooperatio­n requiremen­ts, he could be sent to Britain after 15 years to complete the remainder of a mandatory life sentence.

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