Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Hateful Voices letter


I am utterly appalled that you printed Kim Gartman’s hateful, venomous letter on June 22. Far from being a statement of belief, it seems it is an outright call for killing gay people: “… they which commit such things [a drag queen reading to children in a library!] are worthy of death.”

Although the writer is clearly devoted to the severest of Old Testament proscripti­ons, Gartman seems to have forgotten the commandmen­t “Thou shalt not kill.” Such narrow-minded religious zealots were among those who invaded the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 in an effort to destroy our democracy, and they are the ones working night and day to eradicate women’s rights and every American’s right to love whom we please without persecutio­n. Their much-vaunted religiosit­y is the antithesis of Jesus’ teaching to “love thy neighbor as thyself.”

I have always admired your evenhanded­ness in editing the letters, but I find no excuse for the inclusion of this horrific diatribe encouragin­g and instigatin­g violence by the far right. The intoleranc­e of so many who call themselves Christians are a primary reason why I gave up organized religion. Untold millions have been slain in the name of God; look at the religious wars still being waged around the globe, all based on a deep-seated belief that “Our religion is the one true path, and those who disagree should be killed and are going to hell.”

Such bigotry is the true evil at the root of events such as 9/11 and other murders committed in the name of moral rectitude. Let her who is without sin cast the first stone … and fire the first bullet.

NANCY BAXTER North Little Rock

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