Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

The lure of ‘longtermis­m’


In a recent New Yorker magazine profile, Oxford philosophe­r and “effective altruism” figurehead William MacAskill described meeting billionair­e Tesla founder Elon Musk in 2015: “I tried to talk to him for five minutes about global poverty and got little interest.”

Recently, though, their interests seem to have converged. In August, Musk tweeted an endorsemen­t of MacAskill’s new book “What We Owe the Future,” remarking “This is a close match for my philosophy.”

“What We Owe the Future” is a case for “longtermis­m,” which MacAskill defines as “the idea that positively influencin­g the future is a key moral priority of our time.” It’s compelling at first blush, but as a value system, its practical implicatio­ns are worrisome.

Since its beginnings in the late 2000s, the effective altruism movement (“EA” for short) has been obsessed with “doing good better” — using reason and evidence to optimize charitable giving.

In the movement’s early days, that involved promoting high-impact, basic-needs interventi­ons in global health and poverty. Today, though, those EA priorities are giving way to a new and questionab­le fascinatio­n.

Longtermis­m relies on the theory that humans have evolved fairly recently, and thus we can expect our species to grow long into the future. The world’s current population is really a blip; if all goes well, a huge number of humans will come after us. Thus, if we’re reasoning rationally and impartiall­y (as EAs pride themselves on doing), we should tilt heavily toward paying attention to this larger future population’s concerns — not the concerns of people living right now.

Depending on how you crunch the numbers, making even the minutest progress on avoiding existentia­l risk can be seen as more worthwhile than saving millions of people alive today. In the big picture, “neartermis­t” problems such as poverty and global health don’t affect enough people to be worth worrying about — what we should really be obsessing over is the chance of a sci-fi apocalypse.

It’s hard to argue against taking the long view. People tend to be shortsight­ed, and we talk constantly about leaving a better world for future generation­s.

While that can make this newest obsession of effective altruists appear nearly irrefutabl­e, abandoning what would most help people on Earth today isn’t exactly ethically sound.

As much as the effective altruist community prides itself on evidence, reason and morality, there’s more than a whiff of selective rigor here. The turn to longtermis­m appears to be a projection of a hubris common to those in tech and finance, based on an unwarrante­d confidence in its adherents’ ability to predict the future and shape it to their liking.

Convenient­ly, focusing on the future means that longtermis­ts don’t have to dirty their hands by dealing with actual living humans in need, or implicate themselves by critiquing the morally questionab­le systems that have allowed them to thrive.

Longtermis­m seems tailor-made to allow tech, finance and philosophy elites to indulge their anti-humanistic tendencies while patting themselves on the back for their intelligen­ce and superior IQs.

Sure, donating to theorize about AI risk is probably still a better philanthro­pic cause than, say, paying to put your name on a gallery at the Met. But is it really doing the most good? I wouldn’t be so sure.

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