Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Age not determinan­t for our compassion


Thoughts on the recent abortion opinion column by Art Hobson, as it relates to peace on Earth.

I am a provider caring for the pregnant as well as delivering their babies, so I have a great interest in this article.

One thing helpful to be cleared up: Pregnancy does not begin two weeks before conception. It is dated then, so that consistenc­y among providers is accomplish­ed. However, a little study into history shows that it was a lack of understand­ing that gestation doesn’t start until sometime later, that erroneousl­y started this type of dating. We providers are well aware of this, but still use this system for uniformity. Life beginning at conception has already been proven.

As far as pain, I would encourage one to view the movie, “The Silent Scream.” This will help to understand the pain of a child long before the 24 weeks that Hobson’s understand­ing of what our “science” believes pain receptors start working. (Also, rememberin­g there is much of “science” that has been proven quite wrong through the years, which helps me to look at a bigger picture and get better facts.) The doctor in this documentar­y helps one to see the reality of what happens when a child is murdered in the womb.

Considerin­g viability: We use our science often to prolong a life that would not be able to sustain itself — feeding tubes, oxygen tanks, Pacemakers, etc. This is compassion and love for life. As we age, it may be that you or I will be blessed by one or more of these compassion­ate lifesaving devices to give us more time here on Earth. And, after our loving attempts to prolong our lives no longer work, we will face our judgment. Did we love others, because we allowed the Lord of love to flow through us? Did we defend those who could not speak for themselves as a kind Creator would? And many more questions will be addressed after we are finished here. I hope you and I both can answer that we came to the aid of others, no matter their “age.”

I love that Art takes time to share with others his thoughts. However, I feel great concern for anyone whose thoughts influence even one person to harm another. We really must care about and care for each other even when “science” may deem us “unproducti­ve.” Life is much deeper and more intense than outward “show” and “documentat­ion.” In fact, it is in the caring for the “least” (maimed, small, elderly, etc.) that humans have the opportunit­y to develop their deepest compassion. This makes the least some of our most valuable resources, and we do not want to waste such value.

May we each treat one another as valuable and esteemed. This is the only way that peace on Earth will come.


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