Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Uniquely qualified

- Old, coastal and imperiled.

It’s that time of the year when Arkansans get to pick their top political leaders who will essentiall­y rule their lives for various periods of time. Women, especially, need to pay attention as they slip into second-class-hood.

We have the R’s, the D’s, the L’s, sundry others and the ever present “writeins.” There are those who will vote their tribal letters automatica­lly, giving their choices little thought. Then — hopefully — there will be those who’ll choose candidates in thoughtful-voter mode. Then there’s a whole crowd of those who have had ample time to consider their choices and are still “undecided” when they arrive at the voting booth. (I never understood that.)

I will be voting my conscience, with the common good of Arkansas in mind, for the “UQ” ticket: Uniquely Qualified. Off the top, I eliminate people with a public history of skirting the truth for prevaricat­ing bosses. (Dishonesty is high on my moral checklist.) I discount their resumes when their have scant or no experience for the job they seek. I follow generation­s of wise family advice, like my dad’s (“vote for the smart guy”) and mom’s (“vote for the nicer one.”) A candidate’s DNA is totally irrelevant, too. (My parents were successful restaurate­urs, but I’d stink at it.)

Being undereduca­ted for the bighat job is a deal-breaker, too. Governors have to deal with so many individual­s, needs, perspectiv­es, emergencie­s and challenges that a formidable, broad education among a variety of discipline­s (including science) is a major plus. And if you add in charm, wit, warmth, compassion, creativity and a powerful moral core, you’re almost done.

We can pick someone who wants the job with all the trappings of power and prestige, or we can choose someone who actually wants to do the job, with its headaches, long days, late nights, interminab­le meetings, legislator­s’ egos and all that’s required to move Arkansas out of 44th position among the states.

We can choose Dr. Chris Jones. Mom and Dad would be proud. LINDA A. FARRELL Bella Vista

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