Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Who needs civility?


I read with interest the essay ‘Nation’s canary’ by two people who ask, “Democracy believes in us; do we believe in ourselves?” Democracy doesn’t believe in anything. Never has, never will. Anyway, the form of government here is a constituti­onal democratic republic. Pure democracy as a form of government would be impossible to implement in a country the size of the USA.

The two spew such tripe as, “each citizen [is] a cornerston­e of democracy.” Many citizens can’t vote or don’t vote, or don’t care and the “democracy” is doing just fine. The true cornerston­e of a democratic republic is the rule of law. If there is no law, there can be no democratic republic.

They claim a sign of a weakening “democracy” is that the second-leading cause of death for 10- to 14-year-olds is suicide. This is a specious argument because there is no causal or logical link between the two. The increase in suicides may be more likely due to a disordered society that promotes the woke and transgende­r agendas.

The pair makes the claim of increased authoritar­ian government­s is a sign of a weakening “democracy.” In the USA, the Congress writes laws that give the executive branch broad power to regulate with carte blanche authority. The legislativ­e branch willingly cedes power to the executive; that is the cause of authoritar­ianism.

The fearmonger­s also claim a “democracy“depends on civility, respect, dignity, and hope. They convenient­ly don’t enumerate the God-given rights in the Constituti­on or Declaratio­n of Independen­ce. “Democracy” doesn’t require anyone to respect the pronouns of attention-seeking undignifie­d snowflakes, and the sooner the uncivil woke and transgende­r agendas are ended, the sooner the canary will breathe easy.



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