Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- HELOISE HELOISE — Becky in Texas Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

DEAR HELOISE: Loved the letter about birdbaths. I, too, have several birdbaths.

What I did was that I took hanging planter containers and put any kind of container inside to hold the water, then hung them up on a tree or hook near the house. My birds, many of them, live for the hanging birdbaths. There are always five or six in them to bathe and splash.

I love to watch them, and they are safe from predators up in the tree or porch.

Love your articles. Without our bird life, we wouldn’t be here. — N.L., Woodstock, N.H.

DEAR READERS: Ladders are so useful to have in your home. You need them for painting, hanging or reorganizi­ng items. Make certain that everyone in your house who uses it knows how to use it and the safety measures that need to be taken in order to prevent injuries.

There are many different kinds of ladders. Read the warning label attached to the ladder, which will indicate weight and height limits. Then, check the ladder’s rungs before climbing to make certain they are clean, sturdy and dry. Always place the ladder on a level, firm surface — never on loose, wet gravel or dirt.

When using the ladder, do not over-extend your reach. Instead, move the ladder closer to the area. When you climb the ladder, use both hands. Place tools or supplies on a tool belt, or have a family member carefully hand you items as you need them.

DEAR READERS: To keep your trash compactor odor-free, sprinkle a handful of baking soda into the bag often. Or, before you add trash into the bag, just put a layer of newspaper on the bottom and sprinkle baking soda on top of the paper.

Baking soda is also useful for cleaning and deodorizin­g.

DEAR HELOISE: Somebody hung a sign in the copier room with the following admonition­s and Do’s and Don’ts:


Restock the paper when necessary.

Recycle unused or extra papers.

Ask for help if needed. Speak with love and kindness to the machine (gets a laugh from the staff). Don’t:

Ignore technical difficulti­es. Start a job and walk away. Leave your originals behind.

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