Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

For affirmativ­e action


In a forthcomin­g issue of Psychologi­cal Science, Erin O’Mara Kunz, Jennifer Howell and Nicole Beasley’s “Surviving Racism and Sexism: What Votes in the Television Program ‘Survivor’ Reveal About Discrimina­tion” compiles statistica­l data of winners, finalists, and eliminatio­ns. It states that “Survivor,” a cerebral, outdoor competitiv­e reality game, was systemical­ly biased “in favor of white men, and against women of color.” Their statistica­l data reveal what many long suspected: In the earliest rounds of the game, racial and gender bias motivated players to consistent­ly nominate Black women and people of color for eliminatio­n. While players were motivated to vote players of color out early, the eliminatio­n data also suggest those decisions were not motivated by a player of color’s intelligen­ce or physical strength. After 20 years, 40 seasons, and 731 contestant­s, 15 “Survivor” winners were women, and 25 were men.

In summer 2020, CBS and “Survivor” agreed with Color of Change, the NAACP, and The Survivor Diversity Campaign to immediatel­y create racially balanced reality TV casts. As a result, the next two seasons’ “Survivor” winners were women of color. To date, only five women of color became millionair­es playing the zero-sum game.

CBS’ multiracia­l casting didn’t change in season 43. Six people of color and two white players, one with a limb loss, voted overwhelmi­ngly to award the cash prize to a white male player over a white woman and an Asian male. Season 43 proves that CBS’ affirmativ­e action and diversity inclusion measures did not harm white people or remove white men’s access to wealth or economic opportunit­y.

Ideally, state Sen. Dan Sullivan could model CBS “Survivor” executives with commitment­s to intentiona­lly create multiracia­l and multiethni­c safe spaces throughout the state. A racist may not consider this, but those who are committed to financial freedom, liberty, and justice will and do.



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