Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

The Power of Gratitude


Around the holidays, many people struggle with feelings of fear, grief, and anxiety. If you are struggling, know you are not alone. However, in the midst of everything, we can find many things to be grateful for! That’s why it’s more important than ever to focus on gratitude — the practice of noticing and being thankful for what is valuable and meaningful to you.

November is traditiona­lly a month when people take time to reflect on what they are thankful for. According to Merriam-Webster, thankful means “glad that something has happened or not happened, that something or someone exists, etc. or expressing thanks.” Although we associate giving thanks with November, we receive blessings daily, so why shouldn’t we be thankful daily? Gratitude isn’t something that happens just when good things occur. It’s something we should cultivate and continuall­y express. Practicing gratitude is easy to do once we establish this habit, and the benefits can be enormous.

Many studies have shown that by being kind to one another and showing gratitude to the people around us can have a positive impact on our lives. Gratitude effectivel­y increases happiness and reduces a multitude of toxic emotions, including depression. Not only does saying “thank you” constitute good manners but showing appreciati­on can help develop new friendship­s. The practice of gratitude can improve immune function, according to the American Heart Associatio­n. Improved sleep quality, increased energy, less physical pain, and a decrease in blood pressure are all benefits of practicing a grateful heart.

When we choose to be positive, we become aware of the things in our lives that are good. That naturally leads us into opportunit­ies to express gratitude for the things that we do have. A few ways of practicing gratitude may include keeping a gratitude journal. Many choose to send a thank-you note to someone who has made a difference in their life. Saying thank you goes a long way, and what better way to practice than to say thank you to those individual­s who are helping you throughout the day.

No matter what is going on in our lives we can choose to say, “Thank You.”

At Concordia we are thankful for the nutritious meals that are prepared by our dining staff. We are thankful for the fun, creative activities that keep us young and healthy. We are thankful for the clean apartments and relief from the daily chores and upkeep a house may bring. I am thankful that we have sustained the recent pandemic together by supporting one another. I am also grateful for our wonderful staff who have chosen to serve this community. A quote from Meister Eckhart states, “If the only prayer you say is thank you, that will be enough.”

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