Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Quorum Court shows a lack of humanity


The Feb. 15 Washington County Quorum Court meeting was destined to be contentiou­s, to say the least. The primary debate of the evening was whether the county should renew participat­ion in the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program, or SCAAP. This program pays the county for informatio­n on detainees who are from other countries. Then ICE has their informatio­n and can do with it what they want. For many Marshalles­e residents in Springdale, that meant being rounded up and held for deportatio­n.

Many members of the Marshalles­e community showed up to speak during the public comment section. They did so because, as Justice of the Peace Suki Highers said, “they want a seat at the table,” not because they are part of some political game (as commented by another justice). They did so because they were hoping to bring a face of humanity to those who have the power to end this game.

No, the justices of the peace cannot bring deported loved ones back, but they are the top level of this game. By voting not to accept this grant, that would have ensured that more of their friends, neighbors and loved ones would not be targeted in the future. A vote not to accept this grant would also send a message to our immigrant communitie­s that they matter more than money. It would increase their level of trust in county government. Their stories and cries fell on deaf ears, I’m afraid.

I am saddened by the lack of empathy and humanity in some of the comments made by sitting justices. I think this issue goes beyond the SCAAP grant. I think it is an overarchin­g problem of how we see people who are not originally from the United States. We need to stop thinking of them as numbers and criminals and start seeing them as our neighbors. Otherwise our communitie­s will always be divided.


Amanda Foster is a Democrat running to be the District 10 justice of the peace on the Washington County Quorum Court. Incumbent Robert Dennis, a Republican, is seeking reelection.

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