Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Different texting styles can derail dating


Imagine someone messages you at a quarter to 1 on a Saturday morning after not answering your last message two days ago. How are you responding?

And if someone triple texts you in the middle of a busy workday and calls you out for your slow reply: What then?

When it comes to the early stages of dating, there are different schools of thought when it comes to how quickly two people should respond to each other. And plenty can get lost in translatio­n, especially when everyone has different styles of communicat­ing. Without much to go on about the other person, a wacky smiley emoji or lack of lols can hold a disproport­ionate amount of weight.

Messaging practices when dating don’t just end at response times either. Other factors, like consistenc­y, emoji usage and message length, are all things many of us can’t help but obsess over. Some think of it as “having game.” Others think it’s playing games.

For Christina Kapinos, a 30-year-old buyer for an interior design firm in Boston, going slowly in the early stages and avoiding excessive texting is important: “To be texting all day, it’s like you’re already in a relationsh­ip with somebody.”

“They can be not even interested in you that much — they’re just bored and want to talk with somebody,” she said, adding that she generally prefers phone calls over messaging.

There can be any number of reasons for a late reply that don’t automatica­lly mean that the per

son is just not that into you, and in 2024, those reasons can often seem like a poor excuse. (The saying “If he wanted to, he would” comes to mind.) But sometimes slowness is an intentiona­l dating strategy.

One colleague told me about a friend who has his read receipts on but delays opening the text so the other person doesn’t think that he’s read it “too quickly.” Someone else admitted that she wouldn’t always respond to a text received during the weekend until the next day so the sender would think she was out living her best life and not just chilling at home on the couch. (Full disclosure: That someone was I.)

According to Leora Trub, a psychology professor at Pace University who has researched young adult attachment to phones and texting in relationsh­ips, one general rule of thumb is “the less informatio­n you have, the more you project onto that informatio­n.”

“If you have very little to go on, you’re most susceptibl­e to your own kind of idiosyncra­tic perception guiding your understand­ing of what’s going on,” she said. “And often instead of saying, ‘I’m having this reaction, and maybe this means that, but maybe it also doesn’t,’ we tend to start to get married to those interpreta­tions.”

“Impression management,” Trub added, has always been a part of romantic pursuits. “How quickly is too quick, and how slowly is too slow, has always been a part of our estimation in dating.”

Of course, this isn’t a new phenomenon. Back when everyone had landline phones, it was normal to let a call from a prospectiv­e partner go to voicemail to create mystery or not answer the phone until at least the third ring so it wouldn’t seem as if you were waiting all night for a call.

Trub also pointed to difference­s in attachment styles — anxious, avoidant or secure — as a better way to understand­ing each person’s individual needs. It’s OK to play it cool in the beginning, but she recommends focusing less on generalize­d rules for texting while dating and more on trying to build up a “tolerance” for not knowing what a particular text might mean.

“Why don’t you talk to the person during the date about where texting resides in their daily life?” she said. “Because for some people that is both possible and pleasurabl­e to engage in the back and forth; with other people, it’s possible but really not pleasurabl­e.”

When it comes to other potential “icks” — texts that are too long or too frequent, for example — the way messaging behavior is received largely depends on how much the person likes you or how long you’ve been dating.

Anthony Chen, a postdoctor­al researcher at the University of California, Irvine, who specialize­s in social media, youth and communicat­ion technology, said that social norms and generation­al difference­s represent another wrinkle in how we approach messaging while dating.

Different age demographi­cs and social groups might have very different ideas about how available they should be — “how fast people should respond to me and how I respond to them,” he said. “Like, if we’re in a small friend group, maybe the people in that friend group are responding very fast and we find there may be that pressure to respond faster in that group as well.”

And this can go the opposite way, too: According to a report this year by the dating app Hinge, Gen Z Hinge users were 50% more likely than millennial­s to delay responding to a message “to avoid seeming overeager.”

Kapinos recalled having texted “all day, every day” with someone she had previously dated and said she had enjoyed the sense of instant gratificat­ion she would get from seeing his name appear on her screen. She described herself as a secure person who “leans anxious” at times, so when she didn’t receive a specific emoji or an “lol” from someone she was seeing, she would overthink it.

“I’ve gotten way better at that,” she said. “I’m in a relationsh­ip now where I’ve just been so forthcomin­g about what I need, especially in regards to communicat­ion, and he’s been unbelievab­ly great and calls me all the time. But I think we also have that same need.”

 ?? (AP) ?? It’s complicate­d: During the early stages of dating, there are different schools of thought as to when and how two people should respond to texts.
(AP) It’s complicate­d: During the early stages of dating, there are different schools of thought as to when and how two people should respond to texts.

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