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NC education board proposal revived in House bill


RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — A North Carolina House committee on Tuesday backed a bill that would shift influence over public education away from the governor and toward the superinten­dent of public instructio­n and voters.

The legislatio­n aims to put a constituti­onal amendment on statewide ballots that could change how the board that sets the state’s public education policy is chosen and who leads it.

Currently, 11 of the 13 voting members of the North Carolina State Board of Education are appointed by the governor and confirmed by the General Assembly to eight-year terms. And the superinten­dent of public instructio­n, who is elected statewide, is the non-voting secretary of the board. The board chairman is chosen by the voting members.

The bill, a similar version of which passed a couple of House committees but went went no further during last year’s session, proposes a constituti­onal referendum in November 2024 to make the superinten­dent a board member and its chairman.

And those 11 appointed members would be replaced by members who are elected to overlappin­g four-year terms from districts establishe­d by the General Assembly in time for the 2026 elections. The number of these members would be equal to the seats in North Carolina’s U.S. House delegation, which is currently 14. The lieutenant governor and state treasurer would remain voting board members.

Electing board members would give the public more say over the direction of education at a time when interest in how public schools operate is extremely high, said Rep. Hugh Blackwell, a Burke County Republican and bill sponsor. And he said making the superinten­dent the board chairman could resolve a longstandi­ng rift within state government over the position’s role in education policy.

Some Democratic members of the House K-12 education panel who opposed the measure said it would erode the powers of the governor, who usually campaigns on an education agenda, or could make the board more political by linking them to elections and potential campaigns. Current Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper leaves office at the end of 2024.

The committee approved the bill 16-9, with Democratic Rep. Tricia Cotham of Mecklenbur­g County, a committee co-chair, voting yes. The measure now goes to another House committee.

The amendment must be approved by a three-fifths majority of both the House and Senate before it can be placed on the statewide ballot.

Cotham’s support could signal success in the House for the measure should all Republican­s back it. The GOP’s 71-49 majority in the House is one vote shy of a three-fifths majority. The Senate’s 30-20 Republican majority is exactly threefifth­s.

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