Orlando Sentinel (Sunday)


- By trying to hide your condition, you only succeed in making family members not want to talk to you anymore. This can quickly escalate to your spouse making important decisions without your input, extended family not inviting you to events, and children n

Does this sound familiar? You tell your spouse all about the aggravatin­g thing that happened at work today. He or she seems to be nodding in agreement, until you ask what you should do about the situation. Your spouse’s response? “Um - could you repeat that?”

Beyond the emotional impact hearing loss has on you, there is the toll it takes on others in your life. Those who care about you would probably make allowances for your hearing loss, but if don’t know it’s an issue, your seeming inattentio­n quickly becomes grating. Ask •

• • • yourself Are

NEXT you

STEPS the getting following fewer to learn invitation­s to if go

Virtually invisible hearing aids so that will know why your hearing has vastly you to should family

no one but improved. be

you concerned: events? for advice? you frequently for

The first step is to contact a hearing care profession­al who hearing loss and make recommenda­tions for treatment.

and seemingly

can at



Robust waterproof, dustproof, shock-resistant hearing aids that participat­e in sports and other events with family and friends. let no work?


closest you

Remote controls and streamers for hearing aids that let you control the and listen to TV and audio devices without disturbing other listeners.


Once you can hear everyone, family, friends and business associates will no welcome you back as an active and engaged participan­t in their lives. (BPT) they an

Do your children go to their other parent

Does your spouse seem aggravated with reason?

• Are you being passed up for promotions, raises or other kudos

• Does your family complain about the volume level of your TV?

• Have you stopped participat­ing in the sports and hobbies you used to enjoy? If so, it may be time to get your hearing checked. If you already know you aren’t hearing as well as you used to, then it is probably time to buy a pair hearing aids. of

If you have hearing loss, you will probably be advised to purchase hearing aids. The good news is the advances in hearing aid technology will surprise you. Be sure to ask your hearing care profession­al about the latest options, such as:

you fully volume doubt

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