Orlando Sentinel (Sunday)

Some see ‘black friend’ defense as a tired racial trope

- By Terry Tang and Deepti Hajela

Kelly Darden Jr. remembers one of the first times he experience­d the “black friend defense.”

Back in high school, a group of white classmates dressed in Confederat­e-inspired clothing as part of a social club called the “Rebel Rousers” but insisted they weren’t racist because some of them knew Darden, who is black.

“It was insulting,” the now 64-year-old Greenville, N.C., man recalled. “I was insulted by it even when it was occurring.”

Darden and countless other African-Americans have experience­d variations of the “black friend defense” — saying that a person can’t be racist because of the color of the company he keeps — for generation­s.

And the trope played out in front of a national TV audience last week as Republican Rep. Mark Meadows defended President Donald Trump against testimony by Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen, claiming that the president is racist. Meadows, of North Carolina, quickly sent social media into a frenzy when he pointed to Lynne Patton, a black Trump administra­tion staffer, and said Patton never would tolerate working for a racist.

Many consider the “black friend defense” a tired and hollow argument.

“The fact someone would actually use a prop, a black woman in this chamber, in this committee, is alone racist in itself,” Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan said in response to Meadows’ interactio­n with Patton, who works at the Department of Housing and Urban Developmen­t.

An outraged Meadows hit back, saying he can’t be racist because he has nieces and nephews of color and he is friends with Rep. Elijah Cummings, who is black and was chairing the hearing.

The “defense” has a history of being part of a politician’s playbook.

Trump has trotted it out more than once. While giving remarks during a 2016 presidenti­al campaign stop, Trump pointed to someone in the crowd and yelled “Look at my African-American over there.”

A few black celebritie­s have been called props or “Uncle Toms” for throwing support Trump’s way or simply just meeting with him. Kanye West, Steve Harvey and Jim Brown have all been criticized.

Harvey, who voted for Hillary Clinton, told media outlets in 2017 that he regretted meeting with the president at Trump Tower because of the backlash.

In “4 Little Girls,” Spike Lee’s 1997 documentar­y revisiting the deadly 1963 Birmingham church bombing, former Alabama governor and onetime staunch segregatio­nist George Wallace talks about how he has helped black people. At one point, he is seen sitting behind the governor’s desk and summons a black man.

“Here’s one of my best friends right here, my best friend right here. I wouldn’t go anywhere without him,” Wallace says while holding the man’s hand. The man stands quietly but doesn’t say anything.

The phenomenon was the subject of a 2014 study done by University of London Business School professor Daniel A. Effron.

In his research, Effron noted that former Bosnian leader Radovan Karadzic said he held no anti-Muslim prejudice because his former barber was Muslim. In 2016, Karadzic was convicted of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity for wartime atrocities including the 1995 massacre of 8,000 Muslim men.

Tyler D. Parry, an associate professor of African American Studies at California State University in Fullerton, said using black people as political props is something that occurred as far back as the 19th century in debates about slavery. In Antebellum-era writings by former slave owners, they would often describe their relationsh­ip with slaves as a friendship. It was a way for them to justify their stance on slavery.

Parry said he finds it remarkable that people in the public eye keep using “the black friend” excuse over and over in almost verbatim language rather than issue a mea culpa. It comes off shallow and brings the authentici­ty of the friendship into question, he said.

“There’s a few studies that say it’s a way to overcompen­sate — particular­ly a white person or a person of privilege feels the need to accumulate friends of color in case they are ever accused of racism,” Parry said.

Patton, the Trump administra­tion staffer, denied she was a figurehead being exploited by Republican­s. A former event planner best known for her work on the wedding of Trump’s son Eric, Patton slammed Democratic lawmakers who “placed more credence on the word of a self-confessed convicted perjurer” than a highly educated black woman working alongside the president.

“That is not the resume of a prop. It is however, the resume of someone who remains completely unfazed by the criticism of others and laser focused,” Patton wrote on Instagram.

 ?? AP ?? Rep. Mark Meadows brought Lynne Patton, a black Trump staffer, to make a point during Michael Cohen’s testimony.
AP Rep. Mark Meadows brought Lynne Patton, a black Trump staffer, to make a point during Michael Cohen’s testimony.

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