Orlando Sentinel (Sunday)

Here’s what I really want from you for Father’s Day

- By Noble Gentry The author lives in Edgewater.

Thank you for the tie, but it’s really not what I wanted. The card was funny, but if you could get me something else, I would appreciate it.

Reassuranc­e will do just fine. Perhaps the gift of knowing you’re going to be OK in this world would be plenty. Show me signs that you actually exercise your knowledge of right and wrong every day and choose the right things. Show me that I’m right in the life lessons I’ve taught you; that you really do get it.

Let me see you walk proud when you don’t know I’m looking, keeping your pants and chin up, but not so high you don’t see what you’re stepping in. Look through my eyes and see what I see in you …the potential, goodness, talent, and infinite love you have to offer to all those close to you and not yet met. Share with me all of your visions great and small because, to me, all of them can be great.

Sit with me and talk as we swing our feet from a tailgate. Tell me the silliest and deepest things inside of you. Call me at random to let me know you are treating the world well and it is graciously offering reciprocit­y. Communicat­e with me just by giving me a smile that says, “I’m good inside and thank you for loving me just the way I am.” Tell me you know when I give advice, that it is not to change you, but to enhance what is already good and make what lies ahead easier.

Be awesome every chance you get. Be mature, always respectful, and deserving of the same. Shake hands firmly with eye contact like I’ve taught you and make sure that person has a reason to be glad to be in your presence.

As you grow older and wiser, I will have to loosen the grip on the hand of my child, but never let go of that child’s spirit in you!

I’ve seen your balance on a bike and in play, now keep all else in balance as well. Be proud but never disdainful, careful yet adventurou­s, strong but not impenetrab­le, serious and silly, great but never better than anyone else, smart but never stop learning, and always help others, but take time for yourself as well. Show more trust and love than you want to receive and as if you will never get hurt. Lean on me in those times of hurt while showing me you know it won’t be forever.

Don’t let this request be the reason you spend time with me today; let it be because you want to of your own accord. However, if this didn’t buy me a little quality time with my kid, well, I’ve lost my touch and will be happy with the strangest print a tie has ever displayed.

Much love,


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