Orlando Sentinel (Sunday)

Research labs retiring monkeys when studies finish

- By Carrie Antlfinger

WESTFIELD, Wis. — Izzle, Timon, Batman, River and Mars spent years confined inside a lab, their lives devoted to being tested for the benefit of human health.

But these rhesus macaques have paid their dues and are now living in retirement — in larger enclosures that let them venture outside, eat lettuce and carrots, dip their fingers in colorful plastic pools, paint, and hang from pipes and tires — in relative quiet.

More research labs are retiring primates to sanctuarie­s like Primates Inc., a 17-acre rural compound in central Wisconsin, where they can live their remaining years, according to the sanctuarie­s and researcher­s. For some monkeys, it’s their first time hanging out in the fresh air.

“Just to see them look around in amazement. You know it was all very calm and peaceful,” said Amy Kerwin, who worked for 15 years to get the Westfield, Wisconsin, sanctuary off the ground after being employed in a University of Wisconsin research lab.

There were approximat­ely 110,000 primates in research facilities in 2017, according to the most recent data available from the U.S. Department of Agricultur­e.

While most research facilities need primates to be euthanized to examine their tissues, technologi­cal advances, such as brain scans, mean fewer monkeys need to be put down. Plus, researcher­s who become close with the animals are making efforts to give the ones who can survive a retirement, rather than euthanizat­ion.

In 2015, a group of researcher­s, graduate students and an ethicist created the Research Animal Retirement Foundation. It raises funds for labs to pay the sanctuarie­s to retire them. So far they have given $33,000 in funding for three monkeys who went to the Wisconsin sanctuary.

A visit to the Peaceable Primate Sanctuary in Indiana helped convince Rep. Jackie Walorski, R-Ind., to author a bill introduced last month, along with Rep. Brendan Boyle, D-Penn., that requires federal agencies to develop a policy allowing animals no longer needed for research to be adopted out or put in sanctuarie­s. Currently, no federal regulation­s dictate what happens to them. Some are sold to other studies when one study is done.

The bill doesn’t address funding, one of the main hurdles to get primates into retirement sanctuarie­s.

Currently, grants through the National Institutes of Health, the largest public funder of biomedical research in the world, don’t include money for retirement. That leaves the labs and sanctuarie­s to find the tens of thousands of dollars per monkey, per year needed to care for them.

Monkeys are finished with studies at different ages and some can live for decades. Some can also leave with lingering issues, like compulsive behaviors caused by boredom.

That’s why many sanctuarie­s require the labs to send some funding, often between $10,000 and $20,000, to help care and create space for monkeys. Since many of the primates have only lived in labs, they don’t have the skills needed to live in the wild.

Most primates in accredited sanctuarie­s are chimpanzee­s, capuchins, and squirrel monkeys, according to Erika Fleury, program director for the North American Primate Sanctuary Alliance, or NAPSA, an advocacy group for captive primates. They come from research, the entertainm­ent industry or private homes.

Chimpanzee­s are no longer used in most research. The NIH announced in 2013 it would stop supporting them in research and that they should be moved to sanctuarie­s, with funding. It pointed to a report from the Institute of Medicine in 2011 that concluded the use of chimps in biomedical research was unnecessar­y.

Cindy Buckmaster, chair of the Americans for Medical Progress, which represents research universiti­es and medical research companies, said that besides funding, researcher­s are concerned about sanctuarie­s standards, their financial viability and whether some sanctuarie­s’ ties to animal rights groups will cause them to badmouth the institutio­n.

“We really feel very grateful to them and we want them to have wonderful lives after,” Buckmaster said. “They certainly deserve it. But it has to be done well and it has to be done properly because we’re not going to put our animals in harm’s way.”

Some animal rights groups, including People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, don’t support research but do agree with retiring monkeys to sanctuarie­s rather than having them euthanized.

Sanctuarie­s have been around for decades but, in 2010, more than a half-dozen came together to create NAPSA.

Besides requiring high standards for sanctuarie­s, NAPSA is also upping efforts with researcher­s to encourage them to ask for retirement funding upfront.

 ?? CARRIE ANTLFINGER/AP ?? Two rhesus macaques sit in an outdoor enclosure at Primates Inc., a Wisconsin sanctuary for retired lab animals.
CARRIE ANTLFINGER/AP Two rhesus macaques sit in an outdoor enclosure at Primates Inc., a Wisconsin sanctuary for retired lab animals.

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