Orlando Sentinel (Sunday)

Message: ‘So I raped you’

Chilling communicat­ion on Facebook renews woman’s fight to get justice

- By Maryclaire Dale

MOORESTOWN, New Jersey — Shannon Keeler was enjoying a weekend getaway with her boyfriend last year when she checked her Facebook messages for the first time in ages. A name popped up that stopped her cold.

“So I raped you,” the person said in a burst of unread messages sent six months earlier.

“I’ll never do it to anyone ever again.”

“I need voice.”

“I’ll pray for you.” The messages rocketed Keeler back to the life-shattering night in December 2013 when an upperclass­man at Gettysburg College stalked her at a party, sneaked into her dorm and barged into her room while she pleaded with him and texted friends for help. It was the final night of her first semester of college.

Eight years later, she still hopes to persuade authoritie­s in Pennsylvan­ia to make an arrest, armed now with perhaps her strongest piece of evidence: his alleged confession, sent via social media.

But is it enough? Before and after the attack, Keeler followed the protocols designed to prevent campus sex assaults or address them when they happen. She had a male friend walk her home from the party. She reported the rape that day, met with police and endured a painful and intrusive rape exam. And she pushed for charges. Yet, at every turn, the justice system failed her.

For all the focus on sexual violence in the #MeToo era, and on student protection­s under Title IX, very few campus rapes are ever prosecuted, according to victim advocates and the limited crime data available. Only one in five college sex assault victims report to police. And when they do, prosecutor­s often hesitate to take cases where victims had been drinking or knew the accused.

“It has bothered me over the years that I was never able to do anything,” said Keeler, now 26. “If you’re not going to help me, who are you going to help? Because I do have evidence.”

Tribune Publishing newspapers do not identify victims of sexual assault unless they agree to be identified. to hear your

As a 5-foot-11 goalie for one of the best high school lacrosse teams in the country, Keeler had plenty of options for college. By senior year, she was the starter, and capped her career at Moorestown High School in New Jersey with a state title. She had long dreamed of playing Division I.

But Gettysburg Coach Carol Cantele sold her on the rewards of playing for a smaller Division III program.

She left for Gettysburg in August.

“I was loving college. I had a great first semester,” said Keeler, the youngest of four. “I would say Shannon was full of life on Dec. 14, 2013.”

A snowstorm had pushed back her last final, leaving the 18-year-old on campus an extra day. Most students had cleared out.

Keeler sat for the Spanish exam that Saturday. She and a girlfriend took playful pictures in the snow that night, and had a few drinks and got pizza. She’d drive home the next day.

“You know, I didn’t have a worry in the world,” Keeler said.

She met friends at a fraternity house, where she had fun drinking and dancing. An upperclass­man, who did not belong to the frat, started bothering a sophomore from Connecticu­t.

“I met this guy. And we started dancing and kissing,” said the woman, Katayoun Amir-Aslani. “But then he grabbed my chest and my crotch and told me he wanted to take me away. And so I freaked out and told him I needed to go to the bathroom.”

She spotted Keeler in there and asked for help, though they’d never met. The tall, first-year athlete agreed to help fend him off.

Later in the night, the same guy focused on Keeler, “getting gross” with her on the dance floor.

“He wasn’t getting the hint,” she said. “It was getting creepy. My friend said, ‘Do you want me to walk you home?’ ”

The dorm was across the street, but the male friend accompanie­d her. The creep followed them — offering $20 for the friend to leave them alone, disappeari­ng when he was rebuffed, and finding his way to Keeler’s room after she went to bed.

Keeler heard a knock and presumed it was a friend. To her dread, it was him.

“I opened it and I texted my friends that he was here and I needed help. And he raped me,” Keeler said. “As soon as he did, he started crying after.”

“He said, ‘I didn’t mean to hurt you. Did I hurt you?’ ” she said. “And then he ran away.”

At that point, she did not even know his name.

Four friends came

running from the frat house. It was nearly 3 a.m., and the freshman dorm was locked. They had to wait for Keeler to come down from the third floor and let them in.

“I will never forget the look on her face, when she opened the door for us. It was heartbreak­ing,” said Amir-Aslani, who was among them.

Keeler went back to the frat with them and tried to get some sleep.

At 10 a.m., back at Patrick Hall, she ran into a resident assistant, and he brought her to campus security. They asked Gettysburg police to respond, but an officer said Keeler had to come to them, records show. The RA took her to the police station, and she gave a statement. Then her coach came and took her to the hospital.

Cantele, as she drove, thought: “How could this have happened to one of ‘my girls’? How could I have educated them better to watch out for each other, and for themselves?”

And: “Why do we even have to think like that?”

Keeler’s parents were in church when they got the call. Monica Keeler, a nurse, stepped out into the cold to take it in their Philadelph­ia suburb, dotted with century-old churches and small stores.

“I think I could have died,” she said. “I went in and I said to Lou, ‘We’ve got to go.’ ”

A friend drove Dr. Louis Keeler to Gettysburg, nearly three hours away.

He found Cantele at the hospital. Already, his daughter had been given medication­s to prevent sexually transmitte­d diseases, infections, pregnancy and nausea, and been interviewe­d again, photograph­ed and swabbed.

They drove home together for Christmas.

Within a week or so, Monica and Shannon Keeler returned to Gettysburg to meet with police. It did not

go well.

“The impression was, there are so many of these (campus) incidents, how could we ever investigat­e all this?” the mother recalled.

The suspect, identified by others at the party, left Gettysburg but denied any wrongdoing in an email to school officials, according to records that Keeler obtained. His withdrawal ended the school’s Title IX investigat­ion, she said.

The Associated Press — which tried to reach the 28-year-old man through phone numbers and emails linked to him and his parents, and through social media — is not identifyin­g him because he has not been charged. None of the AP’s messages were returned. He appeared to finish college at another school, based on his online profile.

In early January, Keeler got a terse letter from Gettysburg’s police chief saying she had 20 days to decide whether to pursue charges. The statute of limitation­s for rape in Pennsylvan­ia is 12 years.

Her family, following her lead, went all in. They called school officials, detectives, prosecutor­s and the victim’s advocate. They sent emails seeking updates. Keeler told police how to reach Amir-Aslani and the other witnesses. Eighteen months and two lacrosse seasons went by.

Finally, before Keeler left for Spain her junior year, Adams County District Attorney Shawn Wagner agreed to meet with them at a highway rest stop.

Keeler recalls him saying it would be hard to prove what went on in her room that night. And that it was difficult to bring cases when alcohol is involved. And that the suspect was living out-of-state — seemingly out of their reach.

In late December 2015, days after she returned from Seville, Keeler learned he would not be filing charges.

The two-year window to sue her attacker had closed.

“So, basically, you’re telling me that anybody that rapes a girl in Adams County gets a pass?” Keeler thought.

Wagner, now a county judge, declined to speak with The Associated Press.

His successor, District Attorney Brian Sinnett, would not discuss the specifics of Keeler’s case, but said he can’t bring charges unless a case meets the high bar needed for conviction.

According to his records, his office filed 10 rape charges in the county from 2013 to 2019 involving adult victims, along with seven counts of another felony, involuntar­y deviate sexual intercours­e.

Yet Gettysburg College alone received 95 rape complaints during that period, according to the crime data that schools must report each year.

A well-regarded school of about 2,500 students, Gettysburg is far from alone in reporting a troubling number of campus sex assaults under the 1990 Clery Act. School officials declined to comment for this story, except to note that Clery data capture all alleged sexual assaults reported to them, some filed anonymousl­y and never investigat­ed.

According to Sinnett, few of those reports reach his office. And not all that do can be prosecuted.

“You have to look at what evidence do you have: can it be corroborat­ed, whether it fits in with the statute of limitation­s, what is the likelihood of success at trial? All of those types of things,” he said. “I don’t know an ethical prosecutor who would say, ‘I think I might have probable cause — let’s just throw it up and see what a jury does.’ ”

are rarely easy to prosecute.

Many victims want to keep the matter private or resolve it through school disciplina­ry hearings. Often, the two parties know each other or perhaps dated. And the sting of rape accusation­s that fall apart, including the 2006 Duke lacrosse case and the retracted 2014 Rolling Stone story on the University of Virginia, may trouble prosecutor­s.

Still, their hesitancy can discourage not only victims from coming forward, but police from doing their job.

“You can see cases, that are strong cases, that don’t get prosecuted,” said Carol Tracy, executive director of the Women’s Law Project in Philadelph­ia, who has worked with police groups on the issue. “What one hears is it’s so discouragi­ng that it affects the next investigat­ion that gets done.”

Gettysburg’s current police chief, Robert Glenny, told the AP that one of

Campus sexual assaults

his detectives is actively working on Keeler’s case. He cautioned that online messages, however damning, need to be traced and verified. He wouldn’t comment on how her case was handled earlier, but did express concerns about college sex assault investigat­ions in general. He believes the Title IX mandates bring police in too late, after victims tell their stories several times to campus officials. He said his office never sees most of the sex assault complaints from the college police.

More often, cases linger and no one is charged, which discourage­s other victims from coming forward.

That’s what happened with the sophomore Keeler met the night she was attacked, Amir-Aslani.

A few months after meeting Keeler in the frat house bathroom, she was raped at Gettysburg by an acquaintan­ce, she said.

She did not file a report. She did not get a rape kit. Instead, she quietly left school after that spring.

“I didn’t have any witnesses, and after the experience I had with Shannon, and nothing happened with her, I just (thought), ‘Well, what’s the point of me going through all of this for nothing?’ ” said the 26-yearold artist, who now lives in New York City.

Keeler stayed at Gettysburg, capping her time there with a 5-4 win in the Division III national championsh­ip her senior year. She considered it “the ultimate victory” over her attacker.

Still, there were breakdowns, and therapy, and too much drinking for a time, and flashbacks. She suffered anxiety attacks when it snowed.

The summer before her senior year, while doing an internship in New York, she got several calls from the suspect’s area code. She reached out again to the DA. Nothing happened.

“I wasn’t the best version of myself for a few years,” said Keeler, who now has a job she enjoys in software sales and a good relationsh­ip with a long-time boyfriend. “My anger was more at the criminal justice system than what actually happened.”

She still has the hospital report of the exam, along with her police complaint, witness statements, text messages, campus records and the suspect’s rambling blog posts over the years, which appear to show him living in Europe for a time.

Keeler believes she has a strong case.

And so, she keeps pushing for justice, nearly eight years after the knock on her door and a year after she forwarded the screenshot to police that said: “So I raped you.”

 ?? AP ?? Shannon Keeler followed protocols designed to prevent campus sex assaults or address them when they happen. Yet the justice system failed her, just like it fails most college rape victims.
AP Shannon Keeler followed protocols designed to prevent campus sex assaults or address them when they happen. Yet the justice system failed her, just like it fails most college rape victims.
 ?? BEBETO MATTHEWS/AP ?? Katayoun Amir-Aslani was harassed by the man accused of raping Shannon Keeler. Amir-Aslani later left Gettysburg College after a sexual assault.
BEBETO MATTHEWS/AP Katayoun Amir-Aslani was harassed by the man accused of raping Shannon Keeler. Amir-Aslani later left Gettysburg College after a sexual assault.

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