Orlando Sentinel (Sunday)

SeaWorld needs to adapt and become an animal park again

- Valerie Greene is a former animal trainer at SeaWorld Orlando and is a stay-at-home mom to her young son Birk.

A former coworker from my time working at SeaWorld recently sent me a vintage-style SeaWorld shirt — and in an instant I was transporte­d back to my childhood, and the SeaWorld of old. The SeaWorld that unapologet­ically showcased humans in the water with killer whales. The SeaWorld that proudly displayed Shamu as its park logo and called killer whales by their namesake rather than “orcas” to appease a relentless fringe opposition.

But alas, that SeaWorld seems like a distant memory.

For decades SeaWorld was famous for awe-inspiring interactio­ns with trainers in the water with killer whales. In

2010 that all came to a screeching halt after the death of a veteran trainer. After the incident, SeaWorld halted its iconic “waterwork” with its killer whales. It went even further and aligned itself with the animal activist organizati­on the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and ended its killer-whale breeding program.

When the movie “Blackfish” came out in 2013, SeaWorld used an “ignorance is bliss” tactic to combat negative press, and simply chose to ignore it.

For months after the movie’s release, the company denied any negative effects. This cultural phenomenon became known as “the Blackfish effect” — when a publicly traded company fails to inform investors of elements that could materially affect their business. SeaWorld hired a crisis management firm to salvage its image, but the damage was done.

SeaWorld tried to save face by rebranding itself in a new image; one devoid of anything to do with its iconic Shamu. The company placed an emphasis on its rescue program and focused on new non-animal attraction­s to lure guests to the park. All the while its current animal attraction­s have become outdated and lack in creativity.

Last year, SeaWorld ended its practice of riding on dolphins — a decision made as a concession to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and well-intended, although uninformed public opinion. I suppose caving in is less work than explaining the benefits of humans interactin­g in the water with dolphins.

These days, SeaWorld is one bad decision away from devolving into a roadside attraction. Animal training is a derisive profession and captivity is cruel industry. Million-dollar roller coasters dominate the park. Shamu Stadium is now Orca Stadium and none of the animal shows feature humans in the water with animals. The world famous Shamu logo is virtually eliminated from the park, and it might surprise guests to learn there are actual killer whales at SeaWorld, since there are virtually no advertisem­ents featuring the behemoths.

When I was a kid, SeaWorld was the Harvard of marine mammal training. No one questioned that the animal trainers were experts in their fields, and the animals that called SeaWorld home were ambassador­s for their species. Live animal shows were a prominent staple of the park. Most importantl­y, when I was a kid SeaWorld loudly and confidentl­y stood up for the work they did and didn’t bow down to uninformed activists — they educated them. They fought back.

SeaWorld needs to start catering to its base — the diehard animal fans — the folks that actually buy tickets. At its core, SeaWorld is an animal park that has some cool roller coasters. The problem is that currently, SeaWorld is a roller-coaster park that has some cool animals.

One of my two-year-old son’s favorite books is “Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel.” Published in the wake of the Great Depression, Mike and his coal-powered steam shovel, Mary Anne, are facing competitio­n from the new and more efficient gas, diesel and electric shovels.

Mike is faced with a dilemma: sell off his precious steam shovel for parts or find a new way for her (and him) to be relevant in an ever-changing world.

Mike is backed into a literal corner. Rather than destroy his precious friend, Mary Anne becomes the furnace for the town hall, and Mike the janitor. Mike’s beloved Mary Anne was too good to be sold into parts. In fact, Mike loved Mary Anne so much that even though it wasn’t exactly what he had envisioned for their future, he adapted so they could both survive.

That’s what SeaWorld needs to do — adapt or face obsolescen­ce. I don’t mean adapt to eschew activist concerns — I mean adapt to get back to its former self, the venerable SeaWorld of yesteryear. If SeaWorld can bring back nostalgia in a 50-50 poly blend, they can certainly bring it back to their business model.

At its core, SeaWorld is an animal park that has some cool roller coasters. The problem is that currently, SeaWorld is a roller-coaster park that has some cool animals.

 ??  ?? By Valerie Greene
By Valerie Greene

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