Orlando Sentinel (Sunday)


These careers are the happiest in America, recent poll reveals

- By Connie Lin Fast Company

Ayear into the pandemic, the Great Resignatio­n arrived. That’s a term coined for the mass exodus of employees from the workforce in search of something better: a shorter commute, a sane work-life balance, a sense of greater purpose or passion. Some analysts saw it coming — after all, there’s nothing quite like the looming threat of death to make you question the hours spent at a soulless desk job. Over the past year, existentia­l crises bloomed.

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, 11.5 million workers quit their jobs in April, May and June 2021, and media reports quickly circulated of software developers embracing travel, and restaurant staffers chasing steady 9-to-5s. Some celebrated the escape from toxic bosses, thankless roles and minimum wages. But despite the semblance of a labor revolution, it seems we haven’t quite bested the beast of work: In a recent survey of Americans, only 7% reported they had their dream career.

The survey, conducted by business communicat­ions provider Moneypenny, polled a wide range of U.S. employees on how happy they were with their jobs. Of those, a staggering 93% said they were in roles that didn’t wholly interest them. Nearly a fifth, or 19%, said they were unhappy in their profession, compared to 54% who said they were happy.

But according to Moneypenny, happiness could vary by industry. The firm’s data shows the happiest career sector is informatio­n technology, with 73% of workers reporting positive feelings. And, surprising­ly, some workers on which the pandemic took the heaviest toll were also among the happiest, such as doctors and teachers.

Careers with the largest percentage of happy workers:

Informatio­n technology Accountanc­y, banking and finance Public services and administra­tion Teacher training and education Science and pharmaceut­icals Healthcare

Hospitalit­y and events management

Transport and logistics

On the other hand, the unhappiest career sector was in energy and utilities, with 42% reporting negative feelings. Surprising­ly, other unhappy career paths included those in the sports and leisure industry, as well as farming and agricultur­e.

The careers with the largest percentage of unhappy workers:

Energy and utilities

Public services and administra­tion Law enforcemen­t and security Environmen­t and agricultur­e Leisure, sport and tourism Recruitmen­t and HR

Business, consulting and management Law

Moneypenny’s report also broke down happiness by state, with Rhode Island having the most unhappy workers (50%) and Minnesota having the most happy workers (80%).

However, for those who reported unhappines­s, a chunk said they were thwarted from switching careers by lack of experience, lack of confidence or inertia.


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