Orlando Sentinel (Sunday)

Readers sound off on airport, news, more

- Scott Maxwell

Loved your article about “just because” fun at the airport. [“A confession: My family used to hang out at the Orlando airport just for fun.”] We used to do the same with our boys, especially since they loved airplanes. When the Sentinel announced the Terminal C passes, my husband and I were some of the first to take the “tour. ”Cynthia

Cynthia, I was surprised by how many readers responded that they, too, had family date nights at the airport just to take in the sights.

Hi, Scott. My daughter got married in the new building. Airport personnel was great. Eva

You win, Eva. I got notes from many others about getting dinner or gifts at the airport. But not a spouse.

My husband and I try to get our 10,000 steps in. So, when it’s unbearably hot and humid and the Millenia mall has become a bore, a trip to the air-conditione­d airport serves our needs. Doug

Makes sense, Doug. A good cure for boredom is watching a family of five that overslept down on I-Drive running like Olympian sprinters to catch their flight back to Sheboygan.

I loved your story this week about Tom Keen’s upset victory. [“Something weird is happening in Florida: Democrats are winning“] Thanks for being able to stand in that middle space and say this is a good sign without feeling the need to promise the moon come November. You get extra points from me for mentioning your cat by name. Thomas

Yeah, I’m not predicting a blue wave in Florida this fall. But the recent Democratic surprises were worth noting. As for the cat, I never considered myself a cat guy. But the kids brought Leona home from the shelter one day when they were little. Now, the kids are gone, and Leona’s still here. I have to admit I quite like her. And funny cat names. Maybe we’ll name our next cat Sheboygan.

Scott, you have a history of being biased and full of sh*t. Why should anyone ever trust you?U.D.

Well, Leona trusts me. And I’m hoping she’ll put in a good word with Sheboygan.

Thanks for your column about the proposed social media ban for minors, even with parental consent and supervisio­n. [“Socialmedi­a ban: Florida’s latest assault on parental rights and the Constituti­on“] How would they enforce this? Would the state surveil families? Or the companies? That would veer from censorship to extreme invasion of privacy. Craig

Craig, your concerns echo statements from the social media companies, which said the proposed law “demands massive data collection on almost every citizen while violating their rights to speak online.”

Agree with you 100%. I am a life-long Republican, but am fed up with them and for that matter all politician­s. I think that I am going Independen­t and do write-in votes. Mike

I appreciate the frustratio­n, Mike. These guys have completely lost the plot as it pertains to their party’s (alleged) core values. These actions are anti-freedom, anti-parents’ rights and pro-big government control.

Scott, I normally love your columns. I did not love your column about the Seminoles. [“Sue for the win?“] To me, it’s about doing what’s right. Will this change things? Probably not. But I am in full support of usage of our tax dollars. Heaven knows they’ve been spent on much worse things in my opinion. Ty

Ty, I can’t blame you for loving your ‘Noles. But there are teams with legitimate gripes about being left out of March Madness every year. They don’t spend a million tax dollars suing over it. And I’m betting this lawsuit never actually happens, since there’s no real relief to be provided and the playoff system is about to change anyway. This was about politician­s trying to pander to fans.

You all print nothing but biased, left-wing Marxist crap. Noel Noel, I don’t recall this paper ever espousing Marxist principles. Then again, I find that word is thrown around a lot more than it is understood.

You’re a dipsh*t. Paul

Now that’s a word we can all understand.

Scott, I just read your report on the ridiculous amount given to Visit Orlando … with local politician­s again pointing fingers, saying we can’t use the money for needed improvemen­ts like Lynx. Maybe you can coordinate having these representa­tives spend a day riding to and from work at Disney like the employees who have to catch 1-3 buses to get to work and then 1-3 buses to get home to where their salaries dictate they can afford to live.Larry

Touché, Larry. I think if all elected officials had to use the services they’re responsibl­e for running, those services would run much better.

Thank you for the insight on the newspaper industry. [“Newspapers are in rough shape. Let us tell you why we stay.”] Thank you for staying. Please pass along these thanks to the others who have stayed. It will be a sad day when I have to choose between my echo chamber or theirs and when there is no spotlight. I hope it never comes. Walter

Will do, Walter, and amen on the echo chamber. If someone only wants informatio­n that reinforces their existing opinions, they’re not really interested in new informatio­n at all.

I have always liked your column for your right-tothe-point style. Do me a favor, please. Keep writing until I kick the bucket. I’m 72. Rocke

Rocke, I’m not sure how long you plan on living, but that sounds potentiall­y exhausting.

I should have a free subscripti­on to the Orlando Sentinel. I used to help my brother deliver this paper for many years in the 60’s. Julie

Julie, I don’t have a free subscripti­on. And I’ve worked here for 26 years.

Read your column in today’s Sentinel. THANK YOU for your service … it’s a phrase I have received as a veteran and one worthy of passing on to you and those colleagues of yours who shine light on events and decisions we might otherwise never know about. Felix

That means a lot, Felix.

I hope to see the day that you all lose your jobs.


That means a lot less, Charles.

Scott, If I’d gone on a public rant like your column today, I’d have been fired before lunch. I am unbelievab­ly glad you have iron-clad job security. Fred

Fred, I’m not sure anyone has ironclad job security. A wise colleague once said: If you think you’re indispensa­ble, you’re not thinking hard enough.

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 ?? STAFF ?? Columnist Scott Maxwell never considered himself a cat person. But when his kids were little, they brought home a shelter cat named Leona. Now the kids are gone, but Leona’s still around.
STAFF Columnist Scott Maxwell never considered himself a cat person. But when his kids were little, they brought home a shelter cat named Leona. Now the kids are gone, but Leona’s still around.

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