Orlando Sentinel

‘Trapped’ in a pack of lies

Prosecutor­s make opening statement in perjury retrial

- By Ian Duncan

WASHINGTON— Roger Clemens is tangled in a web of deceit that the seventime Cy Young Award winner made for himself, prosecutor­s said as they fired their opening salvo in the retrial of his perjury case.

Not only did Clemens lie to Congress about his use of steroids and human growth hormone, Assistant U.S. Attorney Steven Durham told the jury, but he crafted a coverup story to mislead legislator­s and protect his reputation.

Clemens could have chosen to “be a hero” and admit his mistakes when he testified to the House Committee on Government Over- sight and Government Reform, Durham said, but instead he chose to lie.

“He became trapped and couldn’t get out; that’s why we’re here,” Durham said.

Clemens was charged with perjury, obstructio­n of Congress and making false statements after he told the House committee during a 2008 hearing that he never had used steroids or HGH. Clemens said the injections contained vitamin B12 and the painkiller Lidocaine.

His testimony contradict­ed the findings of the Mitchell Report, which namedcleme­nsasoneof8­9 players who had used performanc­e-enhancing drugs.

Lengthy arguments about what evidence each side can use meant Rusty Hardin, Clemens’ lead attorney, had to wait until Tuesday to make his opening statement. But arguments hinted that attacking the credibilit­y of Brian Mcnamee, a strength coach who said he injected Clemens with performanc­e-enhancing drugs, likely will be a core part of the defense.

Clemens is back in court nine months after the dramatic collapse of his original trial on its second day when prosecutor­s inadverten­tly showed inadmissib­le evidence to the jury.

Prosecutor­s will argue that Clemens told former Yankees teammate Andy Pettitte about his HGH use and present a needle and cotton swabs Mcnamee saved containing traces of the drug and Clemens’ DNA. They will not be allowed to mention that Mcnamee supplied Pettitte with HGH in 2002; Walton ruled Monday that could lead to jurors finding Clemens guilty by associatio­n.

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