Orlando Sentinel

Rare outcry rises in Iran over blogger’s death

Demise of dissident sets off blamefest, calls for probe

- By Alexandra Sandels

BEIRUT — The mysterious death of a dissident blogger while in Iranian police custody this month has generated a rare torrent of criticism from officials apparently embarrasse­d by a case that has drawn internatio­nal condemnati­on and again shined a spotlight on the nation’s poor human rights record.

Iranian authoritie­s have echoed calls from such human rights groups as Amnesty Internatio­nal for a thorough investigat­ion of the death of Sattar Beheshti, 35, who died Nov. 3 under still-hazy circumstan­ces after being arrested by Iran’s cyber police, according to various accounts.

The case has sparked an unusually public and vitriolic bout of blame-dispensing among various powerful factions in the Islamic Republic.

The late blogger — a working-class high-school dropout virtually unknown to the dissident community until his death became a cause celebre — frequently assailed the lack of freedom in Iran. An online photograph said to be of Beheshti shows a man with a shaved head and a slender chain around his neck, wearing a dark T-shirt.

The few details of the case that have emerged offer a glimpse of the largely hidden world of Iranian bloggers and Web activists working in near-anonymity, though clearly on the radar of the nation’s diligent cyber police.

On Monday, Mehdi Davatgari, a parliament member, charged that the cyber police — known as FATA — had held the blogger illegally overnight without a court order. He called for the “resignatio­n or dismissal of the cyber police chief,” reported Press TV, the government’s English-language broadcast service.

Also this week, the public prosecutor’s office said the most likely cause of Beheshti’s death was “shock,” either from psychologi­cal pressure while under interrogat­ion or from beatings received while in custody. Those findings seemed to contradict an earlier assessment by Tehran’s chief coroner, Ahmad Shojaei, that Beheshti probably died of natural causes, possibly a heart attack, even though his family reportedly said Beheshti had no history of heart problems.

The coroner, in comments to the semioffici­al Mehr news agency, acknowledg­ed signs of bruising on five parts of the dead man’s body — from his hands to his feet — indicating that Beheshti had been beaten. But he said that the blogger suffered no broken bones and that the physical evidence did not indicate any brutality that could have been fatal.

Toxicology and other tests are pending.

The case has provided fuel for the bitter political rivalry between forces loyal to President Mahmoud Ahmadineja­d and hard-line critics of the two-term president, who is to step down next year because of term limits.

“Officials are blaming each other and want to shrug off responsibi­lity to others,” said journalist Farshad Ghorbanpou­r, who says he spent eight months in jail for his writings on Iranian opposition websites and news outlets abroad.

Presidenti­al surrogates have hinted that responsibi­lity lies with Iran’s judiciary, whose chief is an Ahmadineja­d adversary appointed by Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The judiciary has nominal responsibi­lity for the nation’s detention system.

“The death of a worker writing a blog is very agonizing for me and, as a writer, I feel ashamed of myself,” wrote editor Mohammad Reza Taghavifar­d in an editorial in Khorshid, a daily newspaper that supports Ahmadineja­d. “It is more than a shame.”

But Ahmadineja­d’s rivals have suggested that the fault lies with the cyber police and the internal security apparatus, which fall under the president’s purview.

Ali Motahari, a conservati­ve Iranian lawmaker and political rival of Ahmadineja­d, recently voiced his outrage and warned against meddling.

Human rights organizati­ons have long accused Iran of jailing dissidents, suppressin­g free speech and not thoroughly investigat­ing deaths that occur in custody.

Many details of the blogger’s case — including where he died — remain opaque.

What is known is that Iranian cyber police arrested Beheshti at his home Oct. 30 and accused him of “actions against national security on social networks andFaceboo­k,” according to a summary by Reporters Without Borders, the Parisbased freedom-of-informatio­n advocacy group.

Beheshti, a constructi­on

“Officials are blaming each other and want to shrug off responsibi­lity to others.”

worker who lived in a lower-middle-class district outside the capital, did not fit the profile of an intellectu­al blogger. He posted raw, no-frills items on the blog “My Life for My Iran.”

In his final postings, Beheshti spoke of escalating police intimidati­on. His last post, dated Oct. 29, stated that authoritie­s were ratcheting up pressure on dissenting voices. He de- scribed a threatenin­g message he said he had received from an anonymous caller.

“Yesterday I was told by phone: ‘Tell your mother to don the black dress for your imminent death, if you do not shut up,’ ” Beheshti wrote.

He was not heard from again.

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