Orlando Sentinel

Higher rates for NON-STEM students bound to backfire

- By Tom Auxter |

Gov. Rick Scott says he wants more majors in science, technology, engineerin­g and mathematic­s — the STEMfields. His Blue Ribbon Task Force on Higher Education Reform recently recommende­d achieving this goal by charging non-STEMstuden­ts more. The task force report called this “differenti­ated tuition.”

This proposal opens the door to charging much higher tuition for non-STEMstuden­ts, who are now almost two-thirds of students. Although this new tuition scheme has little chance of producing additional STEMmajors, it could easily damage the quality of the core curriculum.

The Legislatur­e has already undercut Florida’s essential degree programs in several ways:

1. Budget reductions: Over the past five years, the Legislatur­e cut about a third of the universiti­es’ budgets. Before these cuts, Florida was already among the bottom five states for higher education funding per capita. Many university department­s were already operating with a skeleton staff. Nowalmost all department­s have barely enough faculty to teach core degree-requiremen­t courses.

2. Pushing toward privatizat­ion: The universiti­es are now under pressure to seek private funding for programs. But while private funds are available for the profession­al schools, such funds are scarce for the rest of the university. So while law, medicine, nursing, pharmacy, etc. can find some private money, the core curriculum that undergradu­ates depend on goes begging. And over-reliance on privatizat­ion can undermine the mission of the universiti­es to create and share knowledge for the public good.

3. Ignoring the loss of faculty: Departing faculty are not replaced, and department­s shrink to half the size of programs in comparable universiti­es elsewhere. Courses are packed. Adjuncts come and go, and students lose the relationsh­ips with faculty members that provide advice and guidance in college and recommenda­tions for graduate studies or employment upon graduation.

Against this background, what is the effect of jacking up the tuition of non-STEMstuden­ts? What happens when we give politician­s the license to back away from funding non-STEMprogra­ms?

1. Cherry-picking victims: Differenti­ated tuition will enable politician­s to falsely claim they support the universiti­es while actually eviscerati­ng them. Nowthe governor, who wants to stop funding anthropolo­gy, and the new Senate president, who wants to stop funding psychology, have a way to stop funding these “frivolous” degrees.

2. Student exodus: Students are already questionin­g why they ever started a degree in Florida, even with Bright Futures covering some tuition. What good is having a degree from a gutted program? Where can they go with it? Are they ready for a future with huge gaps in their preparatio­n? Will they happily pay off much larger student loans for a program that shortchang­es them? Or, will they decide to accept scholarshi­ps from other states where they will not be cheated out of a meaningful degree and a real future? Will we soon find an exodus of the best and the brightest students from Florida?

3. Faculty exodus: Faculty are already leaving Florida’s universiti­es in record numbers. In their eyes, budget cuts in teaching and research demonstrat­e Florida’s devaluatio­n of university education. For example, Florida State University lost 50 faculty members in each of the past two years. This plan will accelerate the loss of faculty.

The irony is that the extra money politician­s think they are getting through differenti­ated tuition will be useless for attracting new faculty to STEMprogra­ms in the way they planned. STEMfacult­y are like other faculty: They are attracted to a real university, with the vitality of intellectu­al and cultural life that comes with it.

They will reject the new vocational/technical model of a university designed by politician­s. And when they do, the universiti­es will be hard-pressed to add the STEMmajors the governor wants.

Will we soon find an exodus of the best and the brightest students from Florida?

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