Orlando Sentinel

New veterans court starts, but not without problems

- By David Damron

Orange County’s new veterans court got off to a rocky start Wednesday, sparked by a clash over who should be allowed in the diversion program.

Orange-Osceola State Attorney Jeff Ashton objected to several former service members being included, while just one homeless veteran made it cleanly into a program designed to hand out treatment instead of punishment to those who served in the military.

Other defendants Ashton objected to will try to join it again next month.

Still, advocates said the key was getting the effort started, and Orange’s fitful rollout mirrored other new veterans courts.

“It was a little bumpy,” said state Rep. Bryan Nelson, R-Apopka. “We need a little more organizati­on on the front end. But, hey, we got it started. I’ll take bumpy.”

The new Orange and Osceola courts are being modeled after others that have kept returning troops out of jail. As a team, judges, prosecutor­s and defense attorneys work with federal Veterans Affairs officials to connect former service members to benefits, counseling, mentors or other services they need.

The special courts often utilize legal players who are veterans themselves.

On Wednesday in the crowdedfou­rth-floor courtroom, it was agreed that Charles Goot was a perfect candidate for the diversion program. The homeless Army veteran who had served in Panama and Grenada was charged this month with possessing an open alcohol container, a charge he’s faced before.

Goot, 50, said taking the

veteran court option could allow him to avoid a short jail stint, but more importantl­y, connect him to VA services that could get him back into a permanent home and regular work.

The goal is “to get myself off the street,” Goot said.

Orlando’s city attorney agreed to Goot’s joining the program.

Ashton handled the other cases — though he said he hadn’t been fully briefed on them. Several times, he raised concerns that the cases not be included in the special court because of burglary or theft conviction­s, or because a victim had not been notified.

Attorney Tommy Boroughs echoed the view of other veteran advocates whenhespok­e fromthegal­lery to counter that some burglars and thieves may be service members struggling with substance abuse — and should not be excluded.

Later Ashton said, “we need to very carefully decide who we allow in and who can be helped.”

“Asmuchas I respect veterans and appreciate their service, I don’t think simply the fact you served, alone, gets you a pass,” he said. “If we take that logic, then we should say the same thing maybe for teachers or for cops.”

Judge Brewer said the veterans court could be a harder path than other diversion programs, and he was heartened that it wasn’t as chaotic as he had feared.

“I have a real positive feeling about this,” Brewer said.

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