Orlando Sentinel

Spinal surgery helped this patient/doctor


Regarding the article “Florida Hospital tells patients it has halted experiment­al spinal surgery” in Saturday’s Sentinel:

I am a retired neurosurge­on and have known Dr. William Lu for 20 years. The surgery referred to was not “experiment­al,” as stated in the hospital’s letter to patients. It was an innovative procedure designed to help patients avoid some of the complicati­ons of spinal fusion and, at the same time, relieve symptoms.

The methods used in the surgery were standard and acceptable neurosurgi­cal techniques applied to this particular procedure. How do I know this? Lu performed this surgery on me in January 2013. I am improved and have suffered no ill effects as a result of the surgery. Lu carefully explained the surgery and the reasons behind doing this innovative stabilizat­ion of the spine. I agreed that this could potentiall­y help many patients avoid the rigidity and complicati­ons associated with spinal fusion.

Personal-injury lawyer John Morgan, who had a copy of the letter, stated, “For a lot of people, the procedure has failed,” without any reports of validation. There have been no patient complaints up to now, and Lu has been performing this procedure for five years.

More than this, a fine physician and neurosurge­on’s reputation and career are being jeopardize­d. I suggest the Orlando Sentinel look into this matter in depth at Florida Hospital.

Robert H. Shear Winter


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