Orlando Sentinel

Celebrate George


It’s wonderful for Eustis to have GeorgeFest honoring our first president. The rest of Central Florida couldn’t find time to honor either George Washington or Abraham Lincoln like they did the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

While King is deserving of honor and parades, without our first president to lead us through the Revolution­ary War to our Constituti­on, and without Lincoln leading us through the Civil War, ending slavery and dying for it, we wouldn’t be the free country we are today. And King wouldn’t have had the freedom to be the great man he was.

David Tonger Apopka

Confusion grows over the use of real guns

When things could not get more absurd in Florida, I read that there is now a warning-shot bill that might become law. As if our “stand your ground” law is not confusing enough, this new law would allow gunshots to scare off a would-be attacker.

Does this mean that Michael Dunn would have been found not guilty for attempted murder against those teens at the gas station when he fired 10 shots into their vehicle? He was found not guilty of killing Jordan Davis, whom he shot, but was found guilty of attempted murder for shooting at his friends, even though he missed them.

Call it ‘civil union’

A number of states are wrestling with the gay-marriage issue. Most of the people I talk to agree that people should have the right to spend their lives with whomever they love.

However, many people resent gays’ and lesbians’ use of the term “marriage.” Marriage is the union of a man and a woman, resulting in a husband and wife, and if they have children, a mother and father.

If states or the federal government would pass legislatio­n that civil unions convey all the privileges of marriage, there would be little or no objection. Religious objections would disappear; children would not be confused by having two mothers or two fathers; and their parents would be “partners in life.” Use of the term “civil union,” and not “marriage,” would solve the gay-lesbian issue.

Art Hillman

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