Orlando Sentinel

No worries on the far right; it’s still teatime for Republican­s

- Eugene Robinson

What’s happening in theRepubli­can primaries is less a defeat for the tea party than a surrender by theGOPesta­blishment, which is winning key races by accepting the tea party’s radical anti-government philosophy.

Anyonewhoh­opes the party has finally come to its senses will be disappoint­ed. Republican­s have pragmatica­lly decided not to concede Senate elections by nominating eccentrics and crackpots. But in convincing the party’s activist base to come along, establishm­ent leaders have pledged fealty to eccentric, crackpot ideas.

House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio, whoeasilyw­on his primary this month against aweak tea-party challenger, said Tuesday that there isn’t “that big a difference between what you all call the tea party and your average conservati­veRepublic­an. We’re against Obamacare, we think taxes are too high, we think the government’s too big.”

That doesn’t sound so crazy. But is it reasonable forRepubli­cans to keep voting to repeal all or part of the Affordable CareAct— more than 50 times, so far— knowing full well that they have zero chance of success? Does itmake sense, if taxes are excessive, to refuse President Obama’s invitation to begin serious talks about tax reform? If Boehner wanted to be honest, he’d have said his party is in favor of posturing and opposed to reality.

As for the “government’s too big” part, this traditiona­lGOPmantra has become— thanks to the tea party— aweapon of spite, not a statement of policy. No to extended benefits for the unemployed. No to struggling families whoneed food stamps. No to underprivi­leged kidswhonee­dHead Start. No to a longoverdu­e increase in the minimumwag­e. No to undocument­ed immigrants­whowant to contribute more fully to our society. No to sorely needed infrastruc­ture projects that wouldmake theU.S. economy more productive and competitiv­e.

The victories by establishm­ent-backed Republican­s in Senate primaries hold no promise that the party is ready to stop throwing tantrums and begin governing. They do ensure, however, that Democrats will have few, if any, “gimme” races this fall. None of the GOPcontend­ers nominated thus far is likely to self-immolate in the manner of, say, Christine O’Donnell, a tea-party favorite in Delawarewh­omemorably had to run a campaign ad in 2010 clarifying that “I’m not a witch.”

Well, maybe one candidate has the potential for a pratfall: MonicaWehb­y, a pediatric neurosurge­onwhohad establishm­ent support in winning Oregon’s Senate primary this week, was accused of physically attacking her ex-husband in 2007 during a messy divorce. She faces incumbent Democrat JeffMerkle­y inNovember.

Elsewhere, the potential forGOPloon­iness has been minimized. In Georgia, for example, the tea party’s favored candidates, Reps. Paul Broun and Phil Gingrey, were both dispatched­Tuesday. The establishm­ent’s favorites, Rep. Jack Kingston and businessma­nDavid Perdue, will square off in a July 22 runoff. Either will present a tough challenge for Democrat MichelleNu­nn, whostill has a fighting chance, polls indicate, to steal a seat fromtheRep­ublican column.

Polls also showSenate Minority Leader MitchMcCon­nell, R-Ky., in a surprising­ly close race against Democrat AlisonLund­ergan Grimes. McConnell handily defeated Matt Bevin, a challenger with tea-party support, inTuesday’s primary. But in what devolved into a contest of more-conservati­ve-than-thou boasting, McConnell— by nature a dealmaker— promised, essentiall­y, no deals with Obama.

The tea party is claiming a victory in college president Ben Sasse’s victory over Shane Osborn in the Senate primary in Nebraska. But therewas no discernibl­e difference between the candidates’ positions on the issues— they fought mostly overwho was more determined to try to repeal the Affordable CareAct.

Nothing I’ve seen in the primary results so far suggests theRepubli­can Party is tempering its views orweakenin­g its implacable opposition to anything the Obama administra­tion proposes. To the contrary, theGOP slate promises to display a remarkable degree of far-right ideologica­l purity. Republican candidates simply cannot risk being called “moderate.”

Democrats can, though. TheRepubli­can Party’smove to the right opens political space for Democratic incumbents and challenger­s trying to win in red states. Candidates such as Grimes andNunn can emphasize local issues while maintainin­g some distance fromWashin­gton— and, in the process, makeRepubl­icans play defense.

Democrats must not let voters be fooled. Yes, tea-party candidates are going down. But the tea party’s extremism and obstructio­nism live on.

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