Orlando Sentinel

Middle class in Russia falls behind

Many provinces struggling to ride out rough times

- By Carol J. Williams Tribune Newspapers

TVER, Russia — Andrei Miller’s sallow skin and gaunt visage betray a serious affliction as he sits outside an X-ray unit of Tver Regional Hospital, the tattooed fingers of his slender hands gripping a flimsy onion-skin appointmen­t slip like a lifeline.

The 42-year-old welder has been off work since just after New Year’s Day, with a lung disorder that impairs his breathing, clouds his eyesight and leaves him too weak to do more than limp from chair to chair.

In the time that he has been on disability leave, the buying power of his 20,000ruble salary has continued to slip; it’s now worth about $330 a month, half what it was a year ago. His wife is on maternity leave from a day care job that will earn them an additional $100 a month when she returns to work this spring, but the needs of their four children haven’t yet adjusted to Russia’s sudden economic downturn.

“The girls are teenagers,” he says of the two older children, a sense of panic rising as he contemplat­es his family’s shaky financial status. “They need everything — coats, boots, money to go out with their friends. And now we are lucky if we can buy enough food.”

Miller spent 12 hours on trains and buses to get to his fluoroscop­y appointmen­t from his home in Bologoye, 150 miles from Tver and about halfway between Moscow and St. Petersburg. The main hospital in his hometown lacks the equipment to diagnose his respirator­y problem, he said, and cutbacks in rural transporta­tion service have lengthened the trip to a costly, two-day journey.

Like many Russians who climbed into an emerging middle class in recent years, Miller is watching his relative prosperity vanish. The plummet in global oil prices since last summer and Western sanctions imposed on Russia over its seizure of Ukrainian territory last year have cut deeply into the national budget, which depends on hydrocarbo­n exports for more than half of its revenue.

For Miller, his worsening and still undiagnose­d illness amplifies the distress felt by all but the wealthiest Russians. Many in provincial cities like Tver appear ready to ride out the hard times in the short term, fueled by a nationalis­t euphoria over President Vladimir Putin’s defiant posture toward old Cold War adversarie­s. But those like Miller who have been confronted with the unexpected costs of infirmity are haunted by the prospect of never recovering the modest economic stability to which they had become accustomed.

Fear for the future is rising in Russian provinces, though anger over declining living conditions seems to remain in check. Many Russians readily accept statecontr­olled media reports linking their hard times to a purported Saudi-U.S. conspiracy to suppress oil prices and bankrupt Russia.

Living standards in Moscow have been less affected because of the capital city’s concentrat­ion of wellheeled government officials and industry captains, but the decline in the provinces is more palpable.

Average income for Russian workers fell over the last year, as layoffs from bloated government payrolls have gradually boosted unemployme­nt. Still low in comparison with most European countries, at 5.5 percent, the jobless rate is nonetheles­s spreading misery among those who can least bear it.

Independen­t economists, Russian and foreign alike, have been warning since the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union that the country needs to diversify its economy from its dependence on oil and gas sales. It is a lesson learned too little and too late in a country where private business growth is stunted by corruption, unpredicta­ble property rights and access to financing dependent on political connection­s more than a borrower’s ability to repay.

Calls for deep investment of commodity sales income in transporta­tion, technology, manufactur­ing and support for small businesses have been ignored to the economy’s detriment.

Kremlin budget drafters counted on an oil price of at least $70 a barrel for 2015, leaving the central coffers short of funds to be doled out to political allies in the provinces. Last year, regions got $70 billion more in subsidies from Moscow than they paid into the federal coffers.

This year, local and regional government­s and state-owned enterprise­s are struggling to comply with the Kremlin’s order that they make across-the-board budget cuts of 10 percent, exempting defense spending and some social services such as pensions and health care.

In March, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said that the crash in oil prices would deprive the treasury of at least $180 billion this year, forcing the government to continue tapping its sovereign wealth fund and hard currency reserves. Last year, the government spent $88 billion to keep the banks liquid and the ruble from losing even more of its value than it did, the Finance Ministry has reported.

Former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin warned in late March that Russia would be mired in economic stagnation at least through 2018, and called on Putin to use his outsize popularity — he has a more than 80 percent approval rating according to Kremlin-allied pollsters — to carry out the costly and painful structural reforms.

Withered by inflation that has doubled over the last year to 15 percent, the average Russian household income shrank to 31,200 rubles, or about $500, a month, according to statistics released by the Economic Developmen­t Ministry in March. That was an 8 percent drop in ruble income from the previous year and a 50 percent plunge in the dollar value of the average salary.

Food costs are expected to account for at least half of Russians’ household spending by the end of this year, the business journal Vedomosti forecast last month.

Miller, meanwhile, worries that his job will be cut at the military-industrial plant in Bologoye, despite reports that defense producers will be spared from the budget ax. Even if he continues to receive the Russian version of disability compensati­on, his family is already at the limit of what it can cut from the household budget.

At this point, the cost of commuting from home to the hospital here every couple of weeks has to be borrowed, embarrassi­ngly, he says, from relatives who are scarcely better off than he is.

On this visit, though, he counts himself lucky. Sympatheti­c nurses have found him an empty hospital bed for the night, after he missed the last bus.

 ?? SERGEI L. LOIKO/TRIBUNE NEWSPAPERS PHOTOS ?? A statue in Tver, Russia, honors Vladimir Lenin. The economic decline in the provinces is more palpable than in Moscow.
SERGEI L. LOIKO/TRIBUNE NEWSPAPERS PHOTOS A statue in Tver, Russia, honors Vladimir Lenin. The economic decline in the provinces is more palpable than in Moscow.
 ??  ?? Andrei Miller, who has a lung disorder, gets an X-ray in Tver. He can’t work because of his illness.
Andrei Miller, who has a lung disorder, gets an X-ray in Tver. He can’t work because of his illness.

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