Orlando Sentinel

Embrace vaccine to beat cancer


Chicago Tribune

A decade ago, public health officials launched a vaccine to combat the virus that causes cervical cancer. You’ve heard about Vice President Joe Biden’s upcoming cancer “moon shot” in hopes of eradicatin­g the disease? This was a cancer moon shot in 2006. Medical officials recommende­d the routine vaccinatio­n of girls starting generally at ages 11 and up.

On Monday, researcher­s delivered a payload that is as thrilling as a jaunt on the lunar surface: America is winning the battle against the human papillomav­irus, or HPV, which can cause cancers in both men and women. Those include cancer of the cervix, vagina, anus, penis and throat.

The latest study, published in the journal Pediatrics, shows that far fewer teenage girls and young women in their 20s now carry HPV. That likely means many fewer cases of these cancers in decades ahead.…

HPV vaccinatio­n rates in the U.S., while increasing, remain relatively low. Last year, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that about 40 percent of girls 13 to 17 years old had taken the full recommende­d regimen of three doses; the rate was about half that for boys.

As vaccinatio­n rates climb, the numbers of those HPV-caused cancers should plummet. The vaccine, recommende­d for boys in 2011, is expected to show similarly encouragin­g results as it becomes more widely adopted.…

[T]he more people vaccinated, the better for everyone.

HPV is a common sexually transmitte­d infection. As many as 8 in 10 American adults will become infected at some point. In most cases, however, the virus is held in check by the immune system.

But an estimated 27,000 HPVassocia­ted cancers are diagnosed in men and women every year, the CDC says.

We understand that some parents are leery of vaccines. We know some doctors may be reluctant to press the case because it involves talking to parents about a teen’s — even a pre-teen’s — sexual activity.

But the science is clear: The HPV vaccine has been proven safe and effective. There are no serious side effects. It doesn’t cause fertility problems. And it doesn’t encourage children to be sexually active earlier.

Parents who shun the vaccine put their children at risk.

Generation­s of Americans dreamed of a vaccine to prevent cancer. One is here, now. The reason to shun it? There is none.

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