Orlando Sentinel

Ticked off! @highway signs


I’m ticked off that I have to drive amongst the most erratic drivers on the planet to pick up my grand kids at the charter schools in The Villages.

I’m ticked off at the constant complaints regarding the lack of variety on the local radio stations. There’s this new thing called satellite radio where you can actually select the type of music you like to listen to. If it bothers you that much budget a little cash to hear what you want, or stream music from your phone.

I’m ticked off at interstate signs showing what service providers are at the exit and exiting only to find that the service provider I want to use is two or more miles away. There ought to be a law—if it is more than one mile from the exit, it can’t be advertised on the sign before the exit.

I am really tired of people who are brazen enough to stand right beside you while you are checking out at the store. With all the identity theft going on, you never know if they are up to something or just aren’t thinking! There ought to be a sign or some way to keep people from infringing on your privacy without the customer having to say something. Maybe the cashier should be taught to ask them to back up until I am finished using my debit or credit card. I would never do this to someone. It is just rude and makes even us old folks, look suspicious!

I’m ticked off that the Federal Highway Administra­tion doesn’t use all capital letters for highway signs, instead of just change the font, which they admitted nobody will notice, especially us geezers!

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