Orlando Sentinel




Average temperatur­e: High 79, low 56

Rainfall: 3.54 inches

Spring arrives: March 20

The Moon

1. Moon phases

Last quarter: March 1 New moon: March 8 First quarter: March 15 Full moon: March 23 Last quarter: March 31

2. Moon sign planting dates

Above ground crops: 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22.

Below ground crops: 3, 4, 26, 27, 30, 31. Control weeds: 5,6, 7, 14, 15. 18, 19. Prune trees & shrubs: 1, 2, 10, 11, 28 29.

Time to plant

3. Vegetables: Bean, calabaza, cantaloupe, cassava, chayote, corn, cucumbers, dasheen, eggplant, Jerusalem artichoke, jicama, luffa, malanga, New Zealand spinach, okra, pepper, pumpkin, southern peas, squash, tamarillo, tomato, and watermelon.

4. Flowers: African daisy, ageratum, alyssum, bacopa, balsam, begonia, black-eyed Susan, blue daze, bush-daisy, celosia, cleome, coreopsis, cosmos, dahlia, dahlberg daisy, diascia, dusty miller, four o’clock, gaillardia, geranium, goldenrod, impatiens, Joseph’s coat, licorice plant, marigold, melampodiu­m, million bells, moon vine, morning glory, nieremberg­ia, salvia, strawflowe­r, torenia, verbena, vinca and zinnia.

5. Herbs: Anise, basil, bay laurel, borage, cardamon, chervil, chives, coriander, costmary, dill, fennel, ginger, lemon balm, sweet marjoram, Mexican tarragon, mint, oregano, rosemary, sage, thyme and watercress.

6. Bulbs: Achimenes, African iris, African-lily, amaryllis, blood lily, bulbine, caladium, canna, crinum, crocosmia, dahlia, daylily, eucharis lily, gingers, gladiolus, gloriosa lily, Louisiana iris, rain lily, tuberose and walking iris.

Lawn care

7. Most lawns show little winter damage, have started to grow and are ready for spring care.

8. Rake out the brown blades as needed or wait until spring growth regreens the lawn.

9. St. Augustine, bahia and bermuda lawns are ready for spring feedings.

10. Delay feedings of centipede and zoysia lawns until April when they begin growth.

11. Weed and feeds can be substitute­d for normal feedings; apply when the grass is growing.

12. Weed-control-only products for your lawn type can be used if only fertilizer was applied.

13. Crabgrass has started growth; use of a preemergen­ce for control may be of little value.

14. Hurry to remove patches of brown weeds or surviving crabgrass and resod these areas.

15. Have persistent weeds identified to determine the best control.

16. Mow lawns at their normal height; there is no need to change blade height for spring.

17. Due to the warm winter, chinch bugs may get an early start; apply an insecticid­e as needed.

18. Fire ants are active; use an insecticid­e to treat the entire lawn, following label instructio­ns.

19. It’s seeding time for bahia and centipede lawns.

20. New watering rules begin March 13 with the arrival of daylightsa­ving time in most areas.

21. Conserve our resources; water only when the grass begins to wilt and as permitted.

22. Consider a substitute ground cover in hard-to-mow or problem areas where grass won’t grow.

In the landscape

23. A mild winter means plants are starting growth early; begin your spring gardening soon.

24. Complete needed pruning: Trim or remove unwanted limbs before growth begins.

25. Trim declining fronds and old flower stems from palms but leave the green.

26. Do wait to prune spring flowering shrubs until the blossoms fade.

27. Prune camellias and azaleas as soon as flowering is over.

28. Prune all but climbing roses as soon as possible.

29. Give climbing roses a light trimming to remove out-of-bounds portions after spring bloom.

30. Prepare flower beds for new plantings; add lots of organic matter to sandy soils.

31. Learn the wet spots in your yard and create raised beds or use containers.

32. Shady spots need special shrubs and flowers; learn what grows best before planting.

33. Both warm- and cool-season flowers can be planted but it is too late for pansies.

34. Check the bulb displays; many are Florida favorites that make great landscape additions.

35. Add trees, palms, shrubs and vines to the landscape.

36. Water new plantings frequently until they grow roots into the surroundin­g soils.

37. A warm winter has kept the weeds growing; control now before they become too plentiful.

38. Renew mulch layers and consider use of a preemergen­ce herbicide to prevent weeds.

39. Trim poinsettia­s to within 12 to 18 inches of the soil and begin feedings.

40. Apply a spring slow-release fertilizer feeding to palms, shrubs and perennials.

41. Establishe­d shade and flowering trees normally do not need special feedings.

42. Warm winter weather kept the insects active; check regularly for pests.

43. Conserve; water only when establishe­d plants show signs of wilting or moisture stress. 44. Divide and replant perennials. 45. Trim and divide ornamental grasses before they begin spring growth.

46. Divide outdoor orchids and begin every other week feedings with a fertilizer solution

47. Feed container gardens with a slow-release fertilizer following label instructio­ns.

48. Give power equipment a spring check-up.

49. Clean bird houses, bird baths and fountains.

50. Remove debris from water gardens and repot lilies.

Vegetable and fruit care

51. Gardeners who don’t mind a little risk can plant tomatoes, peppers and eggplant March 1.

52. Still, winter is not over until mid months so keep covers handy for cold protection.

53. The mild winter let some warm-season crops survive; these may grow your next spring crops.

54. Devote most of your garden to new warm-season crops.

55. Rework old gardens by tilling in lots of organic matter with sandy soils.

56. Beat nematodes by removing some of the soil in infested sites and adding fresh potting soil.

57. Plant short rows of seeded crops every few weeks to extend the harvest season.

58. Use bush-forming crops instead of vining types in crowded gardens.

59. Herbs flourish during the warmish weather; almost all do well now.

60. Spring is a good time to add fruiting trees and shrubs; make sure they are local varieties.

61. Have your soil tested for blueberry plantings; they need a very acidic soil.

62. Complete all deciduous fruit tree pruning and learn how to thin the peach crop.

63. Learn the type of grapes you are growing to obtain proper pruning and care informatio­n.

64. Pineapples start flowering this month; maintain a good care program.

65. Feed all fruit-bearing trees, shrubs and vines at this time.

66. Citrus needs special care: provide a spring feeding and a minor nutrient spray to new growth.

67. Control Asian psyllids; apply an insecticid­e labeled for citrus at each flush of growth.

68. Garden pests including aphids, whiteflies and mites are active; use a natural control.

69. Add container herb and vegetable gardens to crowded landscapes.

70. Construct raised beds for easy maintenanc­e.

71. Add a mulch to all but citrus plantings.

72. Fertilize vegetables lightly every 2 to 3 weeks or use a slowreleas­e fertilizer.

73. Train vining vegetables to a trellis to save space.

74. Sprout sweet potatoes to produce transplant­s.

75. Install water conserving sprinklers in fruit and vegetable plantings.

House plant chores

76. Some outdoor foliage plants may have been affected by cold; trim and increase care.

77. When the weather warms begin reviving foliage plants by moving them outside.

78. Gift plants of orchids and bromeliads would love a spot outdoors under a tree.

79. Trim Christmas and holiday cactus then begin more frequent waterings and feedings.

80. Repot plants filling their containers with roots.

81. Wash dust and pests from indoor plant foliage with a mild, soapy solution.

82. Consider a systemic insecticid­e labeled for soil applicatio­n to treat severe pest problems.

83. Treat forced bulbs as bouquets but keep the pots.

84. Visit a local plant show to obtain new varieties for the home and patio.

85. Replace declining plants with low-light tolerant varieties.

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