Orlando Sentinel

The G-20 kills

- By David McHugh

its anti-protection­ism trade stance after a hard push from the U.S.

BADEN-BADEN, Germany — The world’s top economic powers dropped a pledge to oppose trade protection­ism amid pushback from the Trump administra­tion, which wants trade to more clearly benefit American companies and workers.

Finance ministers from the Group of 20 countries meeting in the German town of Baden-Baden issued a statement Saturday that said countries “are working to strengthen the contributi­on of trade” to their economies.

By comparison, last year’s meeting called on them to resist “all forms” of protection­ism, which can include border tariffs and rules that keep out imports to shield domestic companies from competitio­n.

The statement from the G-20 finance ministers and central bankers helps set the tone for further global economic cooperatio­n.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, taking part in his first internatio­nal meeting since being sworn in, sought to downplay the wording issue. He said the statement needed to reflect the discussion at the current summit. “The historical language was not really relevant,” he said.

“We believe in free trade: we are one of the largest markets in the world, we are one of the largest trading partners in the world,” Mnuchin said. “Having said that, we want to reexamine certain agreements. And to the extent that agreements are old agreements and need to be renegotiat­ed we’ll consider that as well.”

He said trade deals need to offer a “win-win situation.”

Mnuchin said the administra­tion will be looking at relationsh­ips where the U.S. was buying more than it could sell to its partner and will be more aggressive in seeking enforcemen­t of existing rules that would benefit U.S. workers through the Geneva-based World Trade Organizati­on. The WTO operates a system of negotiated trade rules and serves as a forum for resolving disputes.

China and European countries had pushed for a stronger affirmatio­n of cross-border trade without tariffs or barriers — yet China and some European states tend to intervene more often in private-sector business than the U.S. government.

Canada took a middle approach in the talks, urging a statement supporting free trade but not taking a position on specific wording.

Host Germany dropped the no-protection­ism pledge in the early drafting process ahead of the meeting, in apparent hope of not antagonizi­ng the U.S. and then finding a substitute that would also uphold free trade. But attempts to include such language did not find agreement.

President Donald Trump and other critics of free trade argue that it can cause jobs, such as in the labor intensive manufactur­ing sector, to move to lower-cost countries. Proponents say technologi­cal advances, such as automation that replaces workers with robots, are more to blame for the loss of jobs in such sectors.

Some advocates, like the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund, concede that the benefits of free trade have been uneven across societies, as less-skilled workers lose out and the bettertrai­ned prosper. But they argue that trade restrictio­ns will not help those left behind by the globalized economy and point to better training and education as part of the answer.

Trump has already pulled the U.S. out of a proposed free trade deal with Japan and other Pacific Rim countries. He also has started the process to renegotiat­e the North American Free Trade Agreement with Mexico and Canada.

Wolfgang Schaeuble, the finance minister of host country Germany, argued that it was not true that officials failed to find common ground. “It’s completely clear we are not for protection­ism. But it wasn’t clear what one or another meant by that,” he said.

The G-20 is an informal forum on economic cooperatio­n made up of 19 countries plus the European Union. The finance ministers’ meeting will pave the way for a summit of national leaders in Hamburg, Germany, on July 7-8.

 ?? UWE ANSPACH/DPA ?? U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin arrives at the G-20 finance ministers meeting in Germany on Friday.
UWE ANSPACH/DPA U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin arrives at the G-20 finance ministers meeting in Germany on Friday.

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