Orlando Sentinel

From love of Tuscany to glamour of flying

- By Jae-Ha Kim

Composer Zina Goldrich and lyricist/author Marcy Heisler have collaborat­ed on numerous projects, including Julie Andrews’ Netflix series “Julie’s Greenroom” and the stage adaptation of the popular children’s book series “Junie B. Jones.”

Based out of New York City, their work has also been heard on the Disney Channel, PBS and Nickelodeo­n. An edited version of our conversati­on follows. the world. There were at least four languages going at once, and I was excited to keep up with a good part of it. Needless to say, the food was amazing, but I’ll never forget feeling like I was part of a global community. I’ve learned sometimes getting lost is not such a bad thing.

I think we went to Acapulco. I loved it. I grew up in New York, and Acapulco was warm and beautiful. I haven’t been there since, but I have visited Mexico again and still love it.

When I was 4, I took my first plane ride, a family trip to San Diego and Los Angeles. It was 1971, and I really did love the glamour of flying then. I think there were two floors and a lounge on the plane, and everyone, by and large, was dressed up, at least to me. I remember both cities as having a lot of family-friendly things to do, and seeing the television studios fascinated my sister and me. I think we both got the showbiz bug from that trip. While I remain a New Yorker, I am ever grateful that the easy, open, beachy cool of Southern California figures prominentl­y in my life.

 ?? JOEY STOCKS PHOTO ?? Zina Goldrich, left, and Marcy Heisler collaborat­e often.
JOEY STOCKS PHOTO Zina Goldrich, left, and Marcy Heisler collaborat­e often.

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