Orlando Sentinel

Landscape chores


28. Work to do needed trimming before plants make lots of growth.

29. Good pruning cuts are back to a bud, branch angle, trunk or to the ground.

30. Prune azaleas as soon as flowering is over and before June.

31. Consider allowing most shrubs to take a natural look and leave shearing to hedges.

32. Redirect the growth of outof-bounds shoots and thin trees and shrubs as needed.

33. Keep palms healthy; only remove the brown fronds plus fruiting stems as needed.

34. Sterilize pruners between palms with alcohol or bleach to prevent disease.

35. Rake and use leaves as mulch or compost them for later use in the gardens.

36. Plant a tree, shrub or vine on National Arbor Day April 28.

37. Remove declining cool-season annuals and add spring, warmweathe­r selections.

38. Make sure the root balls of all plant are moist at planting time.

39. Build berms at the edge of root balls of new trees and shrubs to direct water to the roots.

40. Give all poinsettia­s a spring trimming; re-pot new ones or add them to the landscape.

41. Maintain 2- to 3-inch mulch layers with trees and shrubs; one inch in flower beds.

42. Water annuals and perennials when the soil begins to dry or they show signs of wilting.

43. Use slow-release fertilizer­s that can feed landscape plants for months.

44. Palms need special feedings; use fertilizer­s made for palms every three to four months.

45. Inspect older trees and trim as needed before the hurricane season begins.

46. Be safe; have an arborist do the pruning of larger and older trees.

47. Trim old flower stalks from amaryllis, amazon lilies and other spring flowering plants.

48. New amaryllis plants can be grown in a bit larger container or added to a garden site.

49. Divide perennials before the really hot weather arrives.

50. Groom climbing roses by removing out-of-bounds shoots and declining portions.

51. Add a water feature to the landscape; clean establishe­d ones.

52. Transplant and feed water lilies and bog plants.

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