Orlando Sentinel

The Trump administra­tion no longer reveals key informatio­n on U.S. forces deployed to Iraq and Syria.

Number of troops in Syria and Iraq goes undisclose­d

- By W.J. Hennigan william.hennigan@latimes.com

WASHINGTON — Even as the U.S. military takes on a greater role in the warfare in Iraq and Syria, the Trump administra­tion has stopped disclosing significan­t informatio­n about the size and nature of the U.S. commitment, including the number of U.S. troops deployed in either country.

The Pentagon quietly has dispatched 400 Marines to northern Syria to operate artillery in support of Syrian militias that are cooperatin­g in the fight against Islamic State, according to U.S. officials. That was the first use of U.S. Marines in that country since its long civil war began.

In Iraq, nearly 300 Army paratroope­rs were deployed recently to help the Iraqi military in its sixmonth assault Mosul, according to U.S. officials.

Neither of those deployment­s was announced when it was made, a departure from the practice of the Obama administra­tion, which announced nearly all convention­al force deployment­s.

The decision appears to be making good on President Donald Trump’s promise as a candidate to insist on more of an “element of surprise” in tactics.

“In order to maintain tactical surprise, ensure operationa­l security and force protection, the coalition will not routinely announce or confirm informatio­n about the capabiliti­es, force numbers, locations or movement of forces in or out of Iraq and Syria,” said Eric Pahon, a Pentagon spokesman.

That move deprives the public of informatio­n it has a right to know about the wars in which the U.S. is engaging, said Ned Price, National Security Council spokesman under former President Barack Obama.

“The position of the Obama administra­tion was that the American people had a right to know if servicemen and women were in harm’s way,” he said.

In addition to the number of troops being larger, U.S. forces are nearer the front lines in Iraq and Syria than they have been since the war against Islamic State began three years ago.

The deployment of Marines to Syria was confirmed for the first time publicly last week by Gen. Joseph Votel, the top commander in the Middle East, in response to a question at a congressio­nal hearing.

Under the Obama administra­tion, Pentagon policy was to announce convention­al deployment­s after they occurred. That administra­tion even took the unusual step of revealing in 2015 that 200 special operations forces — whose missions often are classified — had been sent to Syria.

That’s changed, according to Pentagon officials.

“The coalition commander’s intent is that ISIS be first to know about any additional capabiliti­es the coalition or our partner forces may present them on the battlefiel­d,” Pahon said, using an acronym for Islamic State.

Even when news of a deployment leaks, officials will confirm only the broad descriptio­n of the unit size being deployed.

The military does reveal what’s been dubbed a “force management level” — the number of full-time troops deployed, which is about 5,200 in Iraq and 500 in Syria. Pentagon officials acknowledg­e, however, that the number significan­tly understate­s the size of the U.S. troop presence because it does not include troops that are deployed on what the military considers a “temporary basis.”

More than 1,000 troops are in the two countries in that status, which applies to troops deployed for less than about six months and security personnel. The count also excludes civilian contractor­s, several thousand of whom are in Iraq and Syria.

The Obama administra­tion created and used the force management level in a way that undercount­ed U.S. forces, although it did announce most deployment­s.

Michael O’Hanlon, a military analyst at the nonpartisa­n Brookings Institutio­n in Washington, said limiting announceme­nts of incrementa­l deployment­s could be justified.

“Broad contours of an operation should be debated openly, and publicly understood, but specific raids or other modest changes in capabiliti­es and deployment­s should not be telegraphe­d in advance,” he said.

But officials of previous administra­tions said that approach limits debate over military policy.

“It’s important to have a public debate,” said Lawrence Korb, a former assistant secretary of Defense under President Ronald Reagan and current fellow at the Center for American Progress Action Fund. “Congress must have a role in deciding what happens next, otherwise this is a slippery slope.”

 ?? DELIL SOULEIMAN/GETTY-AFP ?? A convoy of U.S. armored vehicles rolls last month on the outskirts of the northern Syrian city of Manbij. The military is keeping Syrian and Iraqi deployment­s quiet.
DELIL SOULEIMAN/GETTY-AFP A convoy of U.S. armored vehicles rolls last month on the outskirts of the northern Syrian city of Manbij. The military is keeping Syrian and Iraqi deployment­s quiet.

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