Orlando Sentinel

GOP clears major hurdle to reshape health care but runs into taller one,

GOP senators aim to do bill independen­t of House version

- By Sean Sullivan, Paige Winfield Cunningham and Kelsey Snell

WASHINGTON — House Republican­s journeyed to the White House on Thursday for a health care victory lap in the Rose Garden, but Senate Republican­s were in no mood for celebratio­n.

Instead, they sent an unmistakab­le message: When it comes to health care, they’re going to do their own thing.

“I think there will be essentiall­y a Senate bill,” explained Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., the fourth-ranking Senate Republican.

Now that the House has narrowly passed legislatio­n overhaulin­g the nation’s health care system, it is headed to the Senate.

Republican senators are signaling that their strategy will be rooted in effectivel­y crafting their own replacemen­t for the Affordable Care Act. It remains to be seen how closely that measure will resemble the one that narrowly passed the House on Thursday.

A small group of GOP senators met Thursday morning in the office of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., to begin outlining their health care priorities, said Sen. John Cornyn, RTexas. But Cornyn would not commit to a timeline for a Senate vote, saying: “When we get 51 senators, we’ll vote.”

Republican­s hold a 52 to 48 advantage over Democrats in the upper chamber, leaving GOP leaders with a narrower margin for error than in the House, where infighting among Republican lawmakers nearly derailed the push on multiple occasions.

In a sign of the frustratio­n that some Republican senators already have with the House bill, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., posted a skeptical note on Twitter Thursday: “A bill -- finalized yesterday, has not been scored, amendments not allowed, and 3 hours final debate -- should be viewed with caution.”

Senate Republican­s have opted to use a maneuver known as reconcilia­tion to try to pass the bill with a simple majority, instead of having to clear the 60-vote threshold that is required for most legislatio­n. In the current balance of power, that would require Democratic votes. But even getting to a simple majority will be no small task.

GOP senators from states that have expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, such as Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio and Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia have voiced concerns about rollbacks to that program in the House bill.

“Absolutely,” replied Capito, when asked if she still has worries.

Meanwhile, a trio of conservati­ve senators — Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Rand Paul, R-Ky. — earlier this year pushed for a more aggressive repeal of the health-care law than many of their colleagues favored.

“I think that the House Freedom Caucus was able to make the bill a lot less bad,” Paul said. “I think there’s still some fundamenta­l problems that I have with it.”

Sens. Bill Cassidy, R-La., and Susan Collins, RMaine, have already introduced an alternativ­e plan, giving lawmakers a second measure to look at should talks fall apart over the current bill.

Then there are the procedural hoops that Senate Republican­s will need to clear, which could steer them to strip away some of the House bill’s signature provisions.

The measure’s original version, introduced in March by Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., already contained elements at risk of being struck out in the Senate under budget reconcilia­tion rules that allow tax and spending changes but not broader policy changes.

That proposal initially left many of the ACA’s insurance regulation­s alone — with the goal of ensuring it would pass muster with the Senate parliament­arian, a nonpartisa­n officer who decides on what may go in a reconcilia­tion bill — but not all of them.

The version of the bill the House passed undercuts the ACA’s insurance regulation­s even more, by giving states a path to opt out of federal requiremen­ts for insurers to cover certain “essential” health benefits — and to allow them to charge sick people the same premiums as healthy people.

Members of the House voted on their bill before they received a score from the nonpartisa­n Congressio­nal Budget Office, which measures how much the legislatio­n would cost and how many people stand to lose coverage.

Senate budget rules require a CBO score that proves the legislatio­n will not increase the deficit after 10 years.

The Senate parliament­arian can’t even start reviewing the AHCA without a score from the CBO, which is expected to take weeks.

“I sincerely hope the Senate won’t mimic the House and try to rush it through without hearings or debate or analysis,” said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.

 ?? ALEX WONG/GETTY ?? Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, speaking in front of the Capitol, urges colleagues to not rush their health care bill.
ALEX WONG/GETTY Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, speaking in front of the Capitol, urges colleagues to not rush their health care bill.

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