Orlando Sentinel

Puerto Rican: Artiles’ racial remarks reopen old wounds


State Sen. Frank Artiles, a Miami Republican, apologized recently for racist comments toward AfricanAme­rican lawmakers. It was offensive and dishearten­ing that we now have lawmakers freely speaking to colleagues using such disgusting words.

Artiles had the nerve to dismiss his racist and sexist conduct to partisan motives: He was not happy because his bills weren’t moving, and he thought that because his community is diverse, that gives him the right to insult and degrade.

Artiles apologized on the Senate floor and later resigned. We can only hope that his apology was sincere.

This incident made me reflect on my own heritage. I am an 86-year-old Puerto Rican woman, who also happens to be dark skinned. I guess you can say I am a colored Puerto Rican. I remember the years of discrimina­tion I faced, not only in this country when I came to New York at the age of 16, but from my own people when I was growing up in Puerto Rico.

I remember vividly a cousin who made arrangemen­ts for me to rent a room when I arrived in New York City from a Puerto Rican woman who was her friend. But when I arrived, she refused to allow me to stay in her home because I was dark. She had assumed I was the same complexion as my cousin.

My children’s birth certificat­es identify me and them as colored and my Puerto Rican husband as white.

I was so moved by the civil-rights movement, and thought there was hope for changes that would bring a better appreciati­on and respect for people regardless of the color of their skin. Yet, I can tell you that this is not the case, and within my own Puerto Rican community, there continues to be a different attitude and view if you are a shade darker.

I cannot think of a colored Puerto Rican here in Florida in a leadership position. I watch local and Spanish television, and even there, I cannot remember seeing one. On Spanish television stations, whether it is news, variety or telenovela­s, we do not see the rainbow of Puerto Ricans, who come in all shades of color. We do not see them on a national level.

The exception seems to be in sports; of course, baseball comes to mind. The buzz words now are diversity, equality, anti-bullying, empathy and respect, and we think that times have changed. What is especially sad for me is thinking of our growing generation­s, who will continue to be dismissed and denied opportunit­ies — not only from mainstream America but from our own people — because of the color of their skin.

I can only continue to hope that we can recognize that we are, in fact, all one people and can look beyond the color of one’s skin.

 ??  ?? My Word: Pura Delgado lives in Orlando.
My Word: Pura Delgado lives in Orlando.

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