Orlando Sentinel

A Senate vote

- By Richard Lardner

clears the way for President Trump’s plan to sell precision-guided munitions to Saudi Arabia.

WASHINGTON — The Senate on Tuesday narrowly turned back a bipartisan bid to rebuke Saudi Arabia and reject President Donald Trump’s plan to sell the kingdom more than $500 million in precision-guided munitions, sparing the new Republican administra­tion an embarrassi­ng defeat.

The vote Tuesday was 53-47, clearing the way for the sale to be finalized. The precision munitions are part of Trump’s proposed $110 billion arms package to Riyadh, which the administra­tion said would create U.S. jobs while also improving a key ally’s military capability.

But opponents of the deal, led by Sens. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and Chris Murphy, D-Conn., have been sharply critical of Riyadh’s role in Yemen’s civil war and the kingdom’s human rights abuses. They said they feared the weapons could be used in the conflict against Yemeni civilians.

Despite coming up short, Murphy declared a partial victory because the resolution of disapprova­l secured 20 more votes than did a similar measure he and Paul authored in September to stop the sale of more than $1 billion worth of Americanma­de tanks and other weapons to Saudi Arabia.

“Today’s vote total would’ve been unthinkabl­e not long ago, but Congress is finally taking notice that Saudi Arabia is using U.S. munitions to deliberate­ly hit civilian targets inside Yemen,” Murphy said.

Paul, who challenged Trump for the GOP presidenti­al nomination as a leader of the party’s noninterve­ntionist wing, sharply criticized Saudi Arabia during remarks on the Senate floor. He called Riyadh the “No. 1 exporter of Jihadi philosophy” and said the munitions sale threatens the lives of innocent Yemenis.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and senators supporting the sale said the United States can’t deny its Middle East allies the weapons needed to combat the Islamic State and check Iran’s aggression.

The war in Yemen pits the country’s internatio­nally recognized government and a Saudi-led coalition against the Iranian-backed Shiite rebels known as Houthis, who are allied with army units loyal to a former president. The Saudi-led coalition, supported by the U.S., has been carrying out airstrikes in Yemen since March 2015, and thousands of civilians have been killed in the fighting, according to the U.N.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, RS.C., said rejecting the sale of precision munitions to Saudi Arabia would be a victory for Iran.

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