Orlando Sentinel

Violent protests set stage for G-20 event in Germany

- By David Rising Associated Press

HAMBURG, Germany — German police clashed with violent protesters Thursday in Hamburg a day ahead of the Group of 20 summit, using water cannons, pepper spray and batons to disperse marchers after some attacked them with bottles and other objects.

The skirmishes come hours before the two-day gathering of the world's top economic powers gets under way Friday in Germany’s second-biggest city.

Its host, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, said she hoped the leaders would be able to find “compromise­s and answers” on a wide range of issues — although the prospects of finding common ground on climate change and trade were uncertain.

Thursday evening’s protest as the G-20 leaders arrived in Hamburg was titled “G-20: Welcome to Hell,” and a standoff between hardcore anti-capitalist protesters and police developed before the march itself really got going.

Police said they repeatedly asked some demonstrat­ors to remove their masks, to no avail. They then decided to separate the group from the rest of the march, which they estimated at 12,000 people.

Black-hooded protesters attacked a police vehicle with bottles and bricks, breaking a window.

Organizers called an end to the march after the violence broke out, police said. Skirmishes continued, with police advancing down the street with two water cannons while being pelted with bottles.

A nearby building was plastered with the slogan “Borderless solidarity instead of nationalis­m: attack the G-20.” A small group on the roof set off fireworks. Police said windows at a furniture store and a bank were damaged. There was no immediate word on a number of arrests or injuries.

Many other groups are calling for peaceful protests and are pushing the G-20 leaders for action to fight climate change and address economic disparitie­s in the world. Some are even calling for the dissolutio­n of the G-20 itself so the United Nations becomes the platform for such discussion­s.

In all, more than 100,000 protesters are expected in Hamburg for the summit, with some 8,000 considered part of Europe's violent left-wing scene, according to police.

The northern port city has boosted its police with reinforcem­ents from around the country and has 20,000 officers on hand to patrol. Merkel is also hoping to keep things under control inside the city congress center where the summit is being held. With guests including President Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the search for compromise­s is expected to be challengin­g.

 ?? CARSTEN KOALL/EPA ?? A security officer in Hamburg, Germany, tries to take control of a protester Thursday during a demonstrat­ion ahead of the Group of 20 summit, which begins Friday.
CARSTEN KOALL/EPA A security officer in Hamburg, Germany, tries to take control of a protester Thursday during a demonstrat­ion ahead of the Group of 20 summit, which begins Friday.

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