Orlando Sentinel

Xero finds fasting diet a path to success


Most ninjas follow vigorous routines, including nutritiona­l ones. Not this one. American Ninja Warrior Faris Xero, 28, ran the Daytona course after fasting for 24 hours.

“My training regimen is a little different than others,” Faris Xero said. “I fast about 12-18 hours a day, sometimes 24 hours.”

It's a lifestyle for Xero. He advocates fasting to utilize fat storage as energy and strength.

“There are a ton of health benefits to fasting and my goal is to help people achieve the ultimate form of health and physique they desire while living a successful, fulfilled and desirable lifestyle,” Xero said. “There are ton of health benefits and it’s how I utilize my strength, weight loss and overall health.”

Xero looks to empower people with the lifestyle, mindset and understand­ing to achieve their strongest overall form.

“It's not about eating less, it’s about eating less often and allowing the body to take a break,” Xero said. “It's what we have been doing since mankind existed. Some benefits of fasting include weight loss, anti-aging, accessing fat storage, burning fat and much more.”

The everyday performer and entertaine­r enjoys bringing his creative side with him into competitio­ns.

“I enjoy being theatrical and giving the crowd an experience, like a movie,” Xero said. “So each year I walk up to the stage dressed in my own custom outfit. I then perform not only the best I can on the course but also making everyone in the audience and watching as much as part of it is as I can.”

Xero returned on season nine after being eliminated early in season eight. After completing four of the six obstacles in city qualifying, Xero lost his balance and flew off the course.

“I will never forget that fall and will never let that fall happen again. I know I need to prepare and adapt and never underestim­ate any obstacle again.

A lot has changed for Xero since last year. He stopped exercising and started training.

“I found people who train have attention and direction,” Xero said. “If you have a reason and a purpose you work harder towards it.”

Xero advanced to the city finals, which will air in August.

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