Orlando Sentinel

Health care reform needs bipartisan­ship.


After U.S. Senate Republican­s fell one vote short of passing what looked like their last chance to repeal and replace Obamacare, GOP leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky declared it was “time to move on” to other issues. We hope McConnell, rather than abandon health care, will heed the sage advice of one of the three Republican­s who helped sink the party’s chances of passing a “skinny repeal” of the Affordable Care Act in the wee hours of Friday morning.

Arizona’s John McCain, who dramatical­ly returned to the Senate this week after being diagnosed with brain cancer, urged his colleagues in a stirring speech to work across the aisle to craft a health bill in open hearings. “What have we to lose by trying to work together to find those solutions?” he asked. “We’re not getting much done apart.”

McCain wasn’t the only one dispensing this wisdom. On Wednesday 10 governors, five Republican­s and five Democrats, dispatched a letter to McConnell and Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer of New York, calling on them to work with each other and governors on health care.

Sadly, the group did not include Florida Gov. Rick Scott. He hasn’t stopped pushing for the partisan approach of Republican­s trampling any opposition from Democrats to repeal Obamacare. So how’s that working out for your party, governor?

In 2010, President Obama and Democrats in Congress made the mistake of muscling the Affordable Care Act to passage without any GOP votes, which ensured the law would be in trouble as soon as the party lost its majority on Capitol Hill. Republican­s would be foolish to fall into the same political trap.

The stakes for Florida in the battle over health-care policy are huge. More than 1.7 million Floridians signed up for coverage in the healthinsu­rance marketplac­e created by the Affordable Care Act during the most recent enrollment period. And though Scott spurned the opportunit­y under the law to expand coverage to 800,000 working poor Floridians, the percentage of uninsured state residents fell from 21.3 percent in 2010, the year the act passed, to 13.3 percent in 2015.

The loss of coverage for some or all of these Floridians wouldn’t just hurt them. It would shift the costs of their health care to everyone else, including families and businesses that pay for insurance, hospitals and government­s.

Yet despite its name, the Affordable Care Act hasn’t stopped health costs from rising, and the number of insurers selling policies on the individual market has been falling. Last year in Florida, state regulators approved an average rate hike of 19.1 percent for 14 companies offering individual plans. In June, nine companies selling individual plans sought regulatory approval for another rate hike averaging 17.8 percent. Annual increases of this magnitude are unsustaina­ble.

But the Trump administra­tion has accelerate­d these trends by actively underminin­g the law. It has threatened to discontinu­e costsharin­g payments to insurers to subsidize copays and deductible­s for low-income enrollees. It has been backing away from enforcing the requiremen­t that individual­s obtain insurance, which puts markets at risk of slipping into a death spiral of too-few healthy enrollees.

Even so, there is certainly work to be done by Congress and the president to stabilize markets and rein in prices. The question for McConnell and other Senate Republican­s, including Florida’s Marco Rubio, is whether they’ll turn this latest setback into an opportunit­y to draft a bipartisan plan that honors their promises to improve health coverage for millions of Americans.

Some senators, including Florida Democrat Bill Nelson and Maine Republican Susan Collins, say they’re already working together. Here’s hoping many more will join them.

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