Orlando Sentinel

Afghan fight against ISIS-K escalates

U.S. aircraft strike mountain positions in ongoing battle

- By Max Bearak

ACHIN, Afghanista­n — A recurring rumble of explosions echoes off the barren, boulder-strewn slopes of the Spin Ghar mountains, each ordnance aimed wishfully at positions where Islamic State militants are suspected of hiding. Afghan and U.S. special forces listen in on enemy chatter, intercepti­ng dozens of their radio channels. American AC-130 gunships and F-16 fighter jets whir in circles overhead, at low altitude, waiting for strike orders. Soldiers on the ground man the mortars.

The operation against the Islamic State in Khorasan — or ISIS-K, as the Syriabased group’s Afghan contingent is known — is now into its fourth month of unremittin­g warfare. The U.S. military has pledged to “annihilate” the group by year’s end, and the redoubled assault has contribute­d to a spike in U.S. airstrikes to levels not seen in Afghanista­n since President Barack Obama’s troop surge in 2012. One in five of those strikes is against ISIS-K, despite it controllin­g only slivers of mountainou­s territory.

The battle is lopsided, but each day the frontline here in Achin district moves back only slightly. Both local intelligen­ce officials and the U.S. military believe that ISIS-K is replenishi­ng its stock of fighters almost as quickly as it loses them. A sense that this may be an indefinite mission has set in.

Soon after its founding in 2014, ISIS-K descended into this district and establishe­d it as its stronghold. Entire villages emptied as word of the group’s mercilessn­ess spread. Fighters infamously strapped defiant local clerics to explosives and filmed their detonation­s. For nearly three years, ISIS-K held firm not just in the Spin Ghars but in the vacated villages in the fertile valley beneath them.

In April, the U.S. military dropped its largest nonnuclear bomb, a MOAB — nicknamed “the mother of all bombs” — on a cave complex in one of Achin’s valleys, known as the Momand. It is unclear how many fighters, if any, were killed. The MOAB — which felt so forceful that “every ant in the valley must’ve died,” said one villager — was followed by weeks of airstrikes on compounds that ISIS-K fighters had held for two years.

On a recent trip up the valley, the bodies of at least four were still there, lying in abandoned fields overgrown with wild cannabis. The corpses were mostly just bones after months in the sun.

Over the past three years, ISIS-K has succeeded in carrying out ghastly attacks in both Afghanista­n and Pakistan. But as Islamic State territory in Iraq and Syria is whittled away, coalition forces here are worried that Afghanista­n’s notoriousl­y ungovernab­le eastern provinces could become a safe haven for fleeing fighters and a new staging ground for attacks on the West.

“We believe that ISIS-K is not currently able to launch attacks because they are essentiall­y being hunted,” said Capt. William Salvin, spokesman for the U.S. military here. But he did not refute the assessment of a local Afghan intelligen­ce officer in Achin, who spoke on a condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media: In terms of numbers, ISIS-K has not been severely reduced. The battle is looking more attrition.

While the Pentagon maintains that ISIS-K is down to about 1,000 fighters across Afghanista­n, from a high of 2,500 in 2015, the Afghan intelligen­ce officer surmised that there were more than 1,000 in Achin district alone.

The fierce conflict also is scattering fighters across a wider swath of the mountainou­s east, ensuring a longer, more dispersed mission. Last week, the Pentagon announced that a U.S. drone strike killed Abu Sayed, ISIS-K’s leader, or emir. That took place in neighborin­g Konar province, indicating that the fighting has spread at least that far.

Most of ISIS-K’s fighters are thought to be Pashtuns, with few, if any, coming from Iraq and Syria. According to Salvin, the United States sees ISIS-K as like one of more of an “authorized franchise of ISIS-main” than the Islamic State’s operation in Libya, which is more closely tied to the fighting in the Middle East. Instead, Afghan analysts say, ISIS-K derives much of its support from Pakistan’s military establishm­ent.

“In Nangahar, it is Pakistan’s game,” said Davood Moradian, director of the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies, referring to the province in which Achin is located. Pakistan has launched its own military operation against Islamist militants on its side of the Spin Ghar range, but Moradian was skeptical that they shared the goal of the group’s eliminatio­n.

“Pakistan’s military operation against Daesh” — an alternate name for the Islamic State — “is more of a disciplina­ry mission: Stop your internal disagreeme­nts and concentrat­e on the target we’ve agreed upon, namely, the Afghan state,” he said.

Pakistan has always denied playing a destabiliz­ing role in Afghanista­n, but its neighbor’s ongoing instabilit­y has proved hugely lucrative for Pakistan’s military, which has ruled the country for almost half its 70-year existence. Presidents George W. Bush’s and Barack Obama’s administra­tions gave the Pakistanis a combined $33.4 billion in aid, and there is little evidence their support for Afghan militants has stopped.

Members of the U.S. Congress have been calling for years for a drastic reduction or eliminatio­n of security assistance to Pakistan, as well as ending its status as a major non-NATO ally — or even designatin­g it as a state sponsor of terrorism.

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has said that the Trump administra­tion’s new Afghanista­n strategy, expected this month, will have a “regional component,” but it is unclear if that means a curtailmen­t of U.S. aid to Pakistan.

In fact, a hostile Pakistan might well pose a greater threat to the U.S. mission here.

Even so, exasperati­on toward Pakistan runs high here.

“That people are even asking the question ‘Should the U.S. stop giving money to Pakistan?’ shows the silliness of the discourse in Washington,” said Moradian. “It is like asking if we should stop giving heroin to an addict. Of course. It is the very first thing you must do. Otherwise, you will keep fighting permutatio­ns of the same adversary here for eternity.”

During a recent meeting of his full national security team, President Donald Trump reportedly focused on Pakistan’s role in harboring Islamist militants, and national security adviser H.R. McMaster pressed for a more punitive approach.

 ?? ANDREW RENNEISEN/GETTY ?? Afghan Army soldiers man an outpost in the Momand Valley that was once held by the Islamic State in Khorasan.
ANDREW RENNEISEN/GETTY Afghan Army soldiers man an outpost in the Momand Valley that was once held by the Islamic State in Khorasan.

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